
I love you, Emily

You too

I hang up the phone, sighing towards Tyler who still remained by the front door,

"Not problem," he shrugs "your boyfriend?"

"Yeah" i lead us back to the couch.

"Nice of him to finally call you"

"He's been busy"

Tyler sits down next to me, barely leaving a gap between us.
"Doesn't matter how busy a guy is, he always makes time for his girlfriend"

"Yeah well, unfortunately not every guy thinks that way"

He takes the hint that I no longer wanted to talk about it. He turn towards the tv that had been just background noise up until this point.

"You know that you deserve better, right?"

"I don't even know what I deserve" i shrug, keeping my attention on the screen before his finger tilts my chin towards him.

"You deserve much more then what he's giving you." He mumbles.

"I'm not leaving him Tyler"

"Who says you have to leave him?"

His hands gently push me down onto the couch
His lips owning mine like it was what he planned. He pulled away lightly for a minute, waiting to give me a chance to tell him to stop. But I stay silent, almost paralyzed to move.

He takes it as a sign to keep going, pushing my shirt off my body and standing up, somehow managing to takes us up to a place he hadn't ever been before. My room.

His lips don't leave mine, and a different feeling comes over me. I go where our bodies lead us, his back gets pushed up against the door, closing it to its entirety. My hands are rested under her shirt, feeling his toned body with my fingers. He was much more defined then anyone I had crossed paths with.

He takes it off, sensing my eagerness to feel him warm skin against mine, but he doesn't give me a chance. He pushes me down on the bed, crawling on top of me. Not even giving me a chance.

I lay next to him, covers over my body entirely, I stare up at the ceiling.

"We shouldn't have done that"

"He won't have to know" he mumbles, stinging my cheek with his lips once more before he gets up, collecting his clothes, putting them back on his body.
"Ill see you later"

He leaves. Just like that. Like that was all he wanted from his trip over. I continue to stare at the ceiling, trying not to think of the series of mistakes that had just occurred.

I stumble up to my bathroom. Taking one good look at myself in the mirror. He had been careful not to leave any marks on my skin. Any marks that would resemble cheating.


My throat starts to sting with acid, rushing to the toilet, I get sick. Sick at the thought of what I had done. Sick with worrying. Just plain, utterly, sick. 

I sat in the shower for a long time after that. Long enough that the hot water disintegrated and I continued to sit in ice water that pierced my back as it came down. Hours.

But I didn't care.

I didn't know what to do.

Quietly, I hear vibrating going off on the bathroom counter, my phone buzzing in a sloppy circle.

I shut the water off, reaching for a towel to carelessly put around me while I reach for the phone.

I sit myself on the closed toilet lid as I slide to answer the call that I had been dreading all night

Jace:                                                    Emily:

Hey Em


What are you up to?


How's your mom?


Are you, okay?

I'm fine

Okay cause you're just,
being kind of short with me...

I'm just, not feeling the best.

I'm sorry princess,
I wish I could be there to
stay the night in with you

Yeah me too.

Alright well I was just
calling to check in, see
how things are going.
I hope you feel better.

My eyes start to sting as tears rush down my cheeks rapidly, but I don't let my voice crack.

I love you

I love you too baby.

My finger presses the 'end call' button rapidly until it goes back to my lock screen. And it wasn't until then that I let myself sob. Sob for a really long time.

Because I was going to loose my best friend.

working with jace {jace norman}Where stories live. Discover now