Chapter 1

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Tris pov

I lunged for the button, just as the deafening sound of David's gun was heard. I fall to the ground in a thud. As i lay there i start to feel warm sticky substance building around me. Lifting my hand i see that it's a dark crimson color. Blood. I didn't even feel the bullet penetrate me. I hear loud thudding of someone's footsteps coming down the hall as my vision starts to go dark. The last thing i see is a bright light shining out from behind a slumped over David, and my not so audible voice saying, "I'm sorry Tobias, I love you." before i'm consumed by darkness.

The white light starts to dull. It kind of looks like a person, a woman. I blink couple of time to help my eyes to adjust and when i open them back up i see the one person i thought i would never see again until.... "OMG, am i dead?" I ask her.

I heard a gunshot and immediately went to find Tris. Running down the hall i bump into a guy. "I'm so sorry." i say and help him up. When he lifts his head i gasp. The guy was Caleb. "Caleb where is Tris, and why are not in the weapons lab?" i ask frantically.
"I'm so sorry Cara. She held me at gunpoint, i couldn't do anything to stop her." he started sobbing. I didn't stay to hear what else he had to say, i was already running full speed ahead towards the weapons lab.

As i get closer and closer i start to see unconscious bodies all through the halls. I bust into the room to see David slumped over in his wheelchair and.."TRIS!" i run over to her. She was passed out on the floor with blood pooling around her. I check her pulse, it's faint but it's there. "Hang in there Tris i'm going to get help." I quickly run out of the room and straight to Mathews office. he was sitting at his desk doing who knows what on his computer. "Mathew! Hurry! Tris has been shot. Shes alive, but just barly. Her pulse is faint." He quickly stopped what he was doing, grabbed his medical stuff, and ran out the door. I was right on his tail. I quickly sent a prayer to the man above. "Please god let Tris be okay."

"No child you're not dead, but close to it. If my grandchildren growing inside you, you most definitely would be dead." My mother said. What? "Mom i'm not pregnant." I said straight forward. The only other time was...... "OH My God, you're not joking i'm really pregnant." I said in astonishment. I look down at my stomach. I didn't have a bump yet. I look up smiling. "So there's more than one?"

She laughs. "Yes you having twins. I'm so proud of you Beatrice. You done so well these past few months." She said with the tone only a loving mother can. At her words i finally broke down fully. I've tried to stay strong these past couple of months since my parents died, but seeing my mom now just broke me. I couldn't keep it held in anymore.

I started to calm down with the help of my mothers touch, moms facial expression became real serious. " Beatrice you need to be strong not only for yourself, but for you children as well. There are lots of bad people from other experiments that are hunting down and killing people like you children. They are special Tris, and you and Tobias are going to have to protect them. They are not like you and me, they are beyond 'Divergent'. They are have things that only few people are born with, a rare case. Your children Tris have powers that no one can ever find out about. The only one you can tell is Tobias, and ONLY Tobias. Do you understand?" She said sternly, yet lovingly.

"I understand. I wont let anything happen to them. I love them already, and i just found out about them." I say my hand never leaving my stomach. "Good i have to go now Tris. Just remember that me and your father love you, and are very proud of you and your brother." With that my mother, my best friend faded away and i was consumed by darkness once again

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