"Hey!"I cried.

"Shhh," Jasper said handing my book to Alice who started to draw the room.

I watched silently and looked up quickly when I heard Bella renter the room. She smiled slightly at me and headed forward to look over Alice's shoulder.

"So the Trackers in a ballet studio?" she stated.

In that moment, if I had blood it would have ran cold.

"You know this place?" I whispered quietly.

"It looks like the ballet studio I used to go to as a kid..." she fell silent.

"Was it here in Phoenix?" Jasper asked urgently.

I watched as Bella nodded. Her phone going off prevented more questions being asked. She walked into her room to answer it.

"We are going to check out so we can meet everyone at the airport."Alice said "Watch Bella..." then her and Jasper left the room.

Awhile later Bella came back out looking distressed.

"Where is Alice and Jasper?" she asked.

"Gone to check out." I said.

"Good..."she whispered "Listen....James has my mum and Lily if we don't go to meet him..."

"What!"I gasped.

"We have to go Elizabeth!" Bella urged.

I nodded slowly thinking about keeping Lily safe. She sat down next tome.

"When?"she asked.

"At the airport, its busier there..." I whispered thinking about how Edward is going to kill me...

"Why do you hate me so much?" Bella said after a few minutes silence.

"I don't hate you Bella...Edwards my big brother, I don't want to loose him to some pesky human, no offence," I added "I cant loose him...not again..."

"Again?"she asked.

"Did Edward tell you how he became a vampire?" I asked and she nodded."Well I spent three days thinking my whole family had died. I loved Edward so much, more than I loved my parents I have to admit. When he died a part of me died too. I didn't eat, drink or even move in three days...I got up only when I heard someone breaking in. I was stabbed in the stomach...painful and not the quickest way to die... I was left bleeding close to death when Edward found me. I thought I had already died. Edward was dead if I could hear him then I must be too. I didn't understand until I woke up three days later and even then Edward wouldn't talk to me for decades after that..." I told her sensing Alice and Jasper outside the door.

I mouthed this to Bella to make sure she didn't mention the Tracker.She nodded and went back to the conversation we were having.

"I will never take your brother away from you Elizabeth..." Bella promised.

"Thank you but I don't think you will be then one taking him away from me..." I stated.

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"He will pay to much attention to you and there by leave me..." I explained.

"I wont let him, I promise." she said grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

I smiled up at her and the door burst open revealing Alice and Jasper.

"We need to go!" Alice said loudly grinning like a Cheshire cat.

We both nodded and stood up grabbing our stuff and walking to the car.

The ride to the airport took 5 minutes and soon we were walking through the busy airport fighting the crowds.

"I need a toilet..." Bella said once we had found some seats.

"I'll go with you," Alice said.

"No!I would like Elizabeth to come with me..." Bella said loudly.

I pretended to be shocked and Alice nodded slowly looking surprised. I got up slowly and walked with Bella to the toilets that were in plain site of Alice and Jasper.

"Could have thought of a better plan Bella!" I cried when we were inside the toilets.

"I did, this bathroom is the one I got lost in when I was a child because it has two exits..." Bella said quickly before running to the end of the room and pulling open the door.

She dragged me into a lift and pressed the ground floor button.

"Bella I don't think we should be doing this...we should talk to Edward first." I said getting worried.

"No we have to do this," she said sternly.

"Bella we could both die!" I cried out.

"In exchange for the people we love... they will die if we don't turn up today." she ended the conversation there when the doors opened and she dragged me out of them.

She pulled me to the side of the road. I looked behind me as she started to push me in the back. In the window I saw Edward looking down shocked at what was happening.

'I'm sorry' I thought and his face screwed up in sadness and anger 'She wont take no as an answer..." I stopped trying to talk to him as the cab got further away from the airport.

We soon arrived at a small house with a white picket fence.

"Thanks..."Bella said chucking money in the drivers face.

She dragged me out of the car by my wrist and the man looked at us strangely. Bella unlocked the door to the house and pushed me inside.She ran straight to the phone and dialled the number. I looked in a mirror that was hanging on the wall.

I looked dreadful I changed my appearance to what the tracker saw a few nights ago and made myself look human.

Bella then ran back over to me and grabbed my hand again and pulled me back out of the house. We started to run down pavements and Bella nearly tripped a few times. We soon ended up outside of a large building with pink paper signs in the window saying 'closed'.

I gulped. Time to face the tracker and death...


Your Sister, Twilight (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now