[ Chapter Thirty-Four Through Forty ] || With Written Commentary. ||

Beginne am Anfang

"Yah?" I asked.

"Did u know dat Marylin Mason is playing in Hogsemade tonight? And they r showing The Exercise at da movies b4 dat." [The Exorcist turned into the exorcise.]


"Well......want 2 go 2 da contort and da movie wif me?"

Chapter 35. gost of u [You're a fucking ghost.]

AN: fangz 2 suzi 4 da idea!1 u rok! fuk of prepz!11111111 fangz 2 raven 4 di help u rok gurl!1 ps im gong 2 end da stroy rlly sun so FUK U!111 [Oh finally. This horrific train-wreck is gonna be ending! Thank the lawrd!] oh yah nd if u no eny gofik namz plz tel me koz I ned 1 4 serius!1 fangz. [...Gothic names..? There's such name as Gothic names..? The fuck?]


I went in2 da Conmen Room finking of Satan. [What sort of Satan?] Suddenly I gasped....................Draco wuz there!111 [Great news.]

I grasped. He locked as hut as eva werring blak ledder pants, a blak Lonken Prak t-shrit and blak eyeliner. [Dead. So dead. So disgusting.]

"Draco what da fuk r u dong!111111" I gosped.

"Huh?" he asked. Then I remembred. It wuzn't Draco. It was Lucan!1 He stil had two arms. [So, he has more than two arms?]

"Oh hi Lucian!1" I sed. "Im Ebony the new student lol [Who the tits says 'lol' in the middle of a sentence? Oh, Tara.] we shook handz."

"Yah Satan told me abot you." Lusian said. He pinted to a groop of sexxxy [Sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy. No.] gottik guyz. They where siting in a corner kutting. It wuz Serious, Vampire's dad and..................Snap! All of them were wearing blak eyeliner and blak Good Chralootte band shirts. "Lizzen I'm in a goth band wif those guys." he said. "Were playing 2nite at da Marylin Mason show as back-up. [You kill my brain to extinction.]

"ORLY." I ESKED. [ORLY is so like mid 2000's.]

"Yeah." he said. "Were calld XBlakXTearX. [That's a disgusting band name.] I play teh gutter. [Dirty bitch.] Spartacus plays da drums" he said ponting to him. "Snap plays the boss. [Bass? Drop the bass?] And Jamez plays the guitar to even fo we call him Samaro, after Samara in da ring." [K I L L - M E.]

"Hey bastards." I told them they gave me Dethz tuch sin. Suddenly I gasped again. "But don't u have a lead singer!" I asked. Lucian looked dawn sadly.

"We uzd to but she did. She contempted suicide by silting her rists." [Sigh. Fascinating.]

"Oh my fuking god!11 Datz so fuking sad!1" I gasped. [No, it's not sad; it's actually rather redundant.]

"Its okay but we need a new led snigger." [Take the S out and what do you have? Some word that I can't say and I find very offensive to even see in this.] Samaro said.

"Wel...........I said Im in a bnad myself."

"Rilly?" asked Snap. I cudnt belive it. He used 2 b goffik!111

"Yeah were called Blody Gothik Rose 666. Do u wanna hr me sing?" [No! Please don't fucking sing! I bet it sounds like scratching on a chalkboard.]

Yeah said everyone. So the guys tok out der guitarz. They began to pay a song bi (geddit koz bi guyz r sooo sexah!11) [Oh my fucking god. I will kill you in your sleep!] Gurn Day. [They are now called Gurney Day.]

"I wok dis empt stret on da bolevrad of broken dremz." [You have ruined Boulevard of Broken Dreams for me. Thanks, bitch.] I sang sexily (I dnot own da lyrikz 2 dat song) [Then why the tits did you even stick it in here if you don't even know the lyrics?] .. Every1 gasped.

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