[ Chapter Thirty-Four Through Forty ] || With Written Commentary. ||

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Finally! It's gonna be done after this..! But... I have another one I'm gonna be doing that's almost seventy chapters... But it's gonna be on Archive of our Own; My Immortal is the best yet worse known so thought I'd stick it here while the rest goes on AO3.

Finally ;~; -Dies.- Let the finals of My Immortal begin and finish.

Chapter 34. [God, please let me get through these last ten chapters of horror.]

AN: SHOT DA FOK UP PREPZ!1111 hav u even red de story!11 u r proly al just prepz nd posrs so FUK U!111 fangz 2 raven 4 da help!1 [Sorry to say, you're the prep and poser.]

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXX [Illuminati times five million.]

I wook up in da coffin de next day. Draco waz gone. [I wonder why he left.] I got up and put on a blak tight sexah drsss that was all ripped at da end. [Fringe?] There wuz red korset stuff going up da fornt and da bak and it came up 2 my knees. [What the fuck?] There wuz a slit in da dress lik in mr & mr simth. [Why do you make such horrible refrences..?] I pot [Here we go with the pot again.] on ripped blak fishnets and blak stilton bo-ots. [Bo-ots..? The holy shit?] Suddenly...................... Sorious cocked on da door. [He stuck his cock on the door.] I hopened it. [He hoped it would open the door.]

"Hi Ibony." [Ibony..? Oh for the love for that all that is holy!] he said. "Gezz wut u have 2 cum 2 Profesor Sinistor's office."

"Ok." I said in a deprezzd voice. [Deprezzd. D e p r e s s e d.] I had wanted to fuk Draco [What the fuck?] or maybe lessen to MCR or Evonezcence. [..........] I came anyway.

"So what the fuck happened 2 Snipe and Loopin?" [They got drunk and sniped.] I asked Sorious flirtily.

"I fucking tortured them." he answered in a statistic way. "They r in Abkhazian [...Azkaban? ] now, lol."

I laughed evilly.

"Where r Draco and Vampira?" I muttered.

"Dey are xcused form skool 2day." Sodomize moaned sexily. [That's disgusting.] "Rite now they are watching Da Nigtmare b4 Xmas."

We went into da office. Proffesor Sinister was there. [So, the dude from the movie Sinister was there? Oh. He steals kids.] She was wearing a goffik blak dress that was all ripped all over it kinda lik da one Amy Lee wears in this pic [Sigh.]

( http/ [Http/. That's a great link.] She wuz drinking some Volximortserum.

She took out da Pensiv [Penis?] and the time-torner.

"Enoby, you will have to do anozzer session now. Also I need u to get me da cure 4 being adikited." [The fuck is that?] she said sadly. "Good luck. Fangz!"

And then..........I jumped into the Prinsive again. Suddenly I looked around...............I was in da Grate Hall eating Count Chorcula. It was mourning. [The cereal was mourning?] I was sitting next to Satan. On a table was a tall gottik man wif long blak hair, pail skin and blue eyes wering a suit and blak Cronvrese shoes. He looked just like Charlyn Manson. [....Charlyn..?] I noticed......he was drinking a portent. [A Portent..? A potion? A poet? A poem? What?]

"Whose he!11" I asked.

"Oh, datz Profesor Slutborn." [Slutborn? I can't even!] Satan said. "He's da Portents teacher..............Ebony?"

My Immortal || The Worst FanFiction of History || [With Commentary.]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin