Chapter 1

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It has been 5 years since you, Sora, and Riku met. About 2 years ago Kairi came to the island, since then the boys have neglected you. They never talk to you anymore they are always with Kairi and never with you. When you woke up today you went to Riku's house. You knocked on his door but he didn't answer. You then noticed his door was unlocked. You being his overprotective friend walked in and looked to see if anything happened. You didn't see him anywhere but when you got to his room you opened the door only to see Kairi and him making out. All I can say is that your heart broke into a million pieces one by one and each time it hurt worse than before. You ran out of his house with tears in your eyes. You soon made it to your empty house. You flop on your bed and cry yourself back to sleep. You dream about how your family died again like every other night.


Hey guys how did ya like that chapter I worked very hard on it. Actually it only took me 16 minutes. I am a fast writer.

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