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You woke up like any other day but today is different because today is your 7th birthday. You got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After your shower you dried off and put your clothes on. You wore a (f/c) T-shirt and some black shorts. You then brushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair before you made your way downstairs. Your mother was the first to greet you. "Goodmorning (y/n) and happy birthday" she said with a gentle smile on her face. Your father turned his attention from the newspaper he was reading and said, "Yes, happy birthday sweetheart." You smile happily and your mother asks, "Do you want breakfast (y/n)?" "Yes mother" you reply. (Timeskip to after breakfast) You walked to the front door but before you could open the door your mother stopped you. "(Y/n), are you going outside before you get your presents?" She asked. You nodded your head and said, "Yes mother. I will be home before dark I promise." You opened the door and walked out. (5 minute Timeskip) You walked on the shore of the beach, the warm sand beneath your feet. The sound of kids laughing and playing rung in your ears. You suddenly felt a huge impact that sent you flying into the cold water beside you. For a few moments the world stopped for you. Your body sunk in the water, unable to move and losing breath quickly. You accepted your cruel fate given to you by God himself. All was quite and the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat. 'Is this the end of me' you think. You close your eyes and wait for death but you get pulled out of the water. You see two boys in front of you once your out of the water. One with shoulder length silver hair and blue eyes. The other boy had Brown spiked hair and blue eyes. The one with brown hair spoke. "I am so sorry I knocked you into the water. I didn't mean to. Are you ok?" "Yeah I am fine" you reply. That was the start of a wonderful friend ship between you and the two boys.

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