"I'm worried it won't be that easy," Stiles confessed looking over worried at Scott. Starfire sighed, he was right. It was unsettling that everyone else had healed and Scott still hadn't it. A small part of her wondered if he'd die. She pushed the thought away from her, it scared her. What would they do without calm, collected, dorky Scott? The bus came to a stop and a few murmurs went through the bus.

Isaac broke the silence, "A tractor trailer is jackknifed,"

"What the hell does that mean?" Starfire asked looking over at Stiles expectantly.

"It flipped," he said looking at her intently. Starfire wasn't sure what to do, so she just stared at him in response. She'd never had someone look at her like this. She couldn't describe it but she liked it. Stiles smiled at her causing her to blush slightly. It confused Starfire even more, she'd never really blushed at someone before.

"You're beautiful, did you know that?" Stiles whispered leaning closer to her.

"I didn't" her voice falter and how close Stiles was to her face. Her eyes flickered down to his lips then up to his eyes. It occurred to her how nice Stiles eyes were, she'd never seen such a beautiful brown. "Shit," Scott cried out causing them to spring away from one another, "Boyd's losing it,"

Boyd was indeed losing it. His eyes were glowing and as the claws grew he clawed the back seat. Scott made his way to Boyd's seat using the seats to keep him up.

"Really?" Stiles shouted out throwing his arms in the air, "BOYD I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! I-I... YOU RUINED IT!"

Starfire couldn't help but giggle at Stiles reaction. He pouted glaring at the back of Boyd's head, "stupid werewolves," he murmured. Starfire smiled resting her head on his shoulder watching Scott. Scott was trying to convince Boyd out of attacking Ethan.

"You don't know what will happen if you attack an Alpha on a bus," Scott pointed out.

"I don't care about my future," Boyd said looking dead panned at Scott.

"But I care about you," Scott said looking stubbornly at Boyd. A small stain of blood was appearing on Scott's shirt; his wound was opening up again.

"You're still hurt?" Isaac asked looking shocked. Boyd froze his claws disappearing and his eyes stopped glowing. Scott's wound shocked both the Betas.

"I'll be fine," Scott said, "But please give me a chance to figure something out. We need a plan that doesn't end with someone else dying,"

Boyd was quite before nodding, "You're right,"

Scott let out a sigh of relief walking back over to where Stiles and Starfire sat. Stiles flared at him for a few seconds while Scott raised an eyebrow. Stiles eventually broke nodding over to Ethan.

"He keeps checking his phone and I know its something evil!" Stiles declared. Scott snorted while Starfire sighed watching Ethan. Stiles was right, he did keep checking his phone. Stiles pulled to his phone typing something to Danny. Danny read it and turned around shaking his head. 'No,' he mouthed.

"What did you text him?" Starfire asked as Stiles sent more tests to Danny.

"To ask what Ethan was waiting for," He sent more tests. Danny was ignoring the continuous beeping coming from his phone. The whole bus stared at him as the beeps turned into a ridiculous amount. Danny laughed nervously before turning around to glare at Stiles. He sighed giving up and turning over to talk to Ethan. Then Stiles phone beeped and they all leant forward to read the message.

from Danny, at 3:20 pm;

someone close to Ethan is sick and he's waiting for an update.

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