Answered prayers.

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Hey! This is ma second first one failed, fan, vote pwease :3


In the small town of San Vero Milis, Italy all  was silent as night draped it's blanket of creeping darkness upon it. The shadows that danced in the moonlight  offered perfect cover for the lone female assassin as she silently crept along the ancient  rooftops.

If one happened to catch a glimpse of her all they would see is a shadow figure, barely recognizable. Her cloak pulled tightly around her, hood up, piercing silver eyes that seemed to peer into your soul scanned the town square for her target.

Her eyes narrow as she spots her target. Male, by the center fountain, the clean water spewing out from a statue into a basin around it,  sparkling in the moonlight and creating a peaceful effect on the silent night. She turns her head up to gaze at the multitude of stars speckled against the midnight blue sky....not quite black, still retaining some of that improbable color, a welcomed sight to her emotionless eyes.

She looks back down at her target, he is with a young girl, no older then sixteen, she finds herself turning her head away in disgust as he wraps his arms around her waist.

Why must she subject herself to that? She wonders to herself as he target reaches around and grabs the girls ass. In an attempt to keep herself calm, she exhales slowly then creeps closer, muscles tensing as she prepares to strike; not caring if the young girl wittiness the assassination or not. She brings her hidden blade out in her right hand, clutching it as she leaps off the roof and lands silently behind them as they look into the fountains water, gazing with sickening lovey dovey expressions.

Her arm reaches slowly around the males neck then in a quick, fluid movement,  slices his neck open, right under the chin then swiftly carves her signature mark, a dove in the deviate of the collar bone at the base of the neck. With silent swiftness she retreats to the safety of the rooftops once more, a blood curdling scream echoing through the air as the man falls dead. A pool of crimson blood forming on the ground around him. The girl begins to cry uncontrollably, causing the assassin to roll her eyes.

" You never were very compassionate Bella. "

A male voice says,  light and full of amusement,the rich Italian accent heavy. She rolls her eyes again as she  turns around to face him.

" I told you not to call me Bella, Remero. "

A boy about seventeen stands in front of her, his features boyish. He had light blond messy hair and azure eyes that hold a juvenile glint in them. His 5'8 body is of a medium build. He chuckles slightly at her words.

" Sorry...Arabella. "

He says the name almost mockingly, causing her to punch him in the arm, only slightly playfully,  and him in turn to chuckle softly once more.

" Come on, we cannot be here long, Philipe will begin to wonder where we are...and I do not need his imagination at work thinking of what we might be doing."

After making a noise of disgust she takes off without warning, traveling across the rooftops with Remero right behind her. Their steps are silent as they run, guards can be heard running to the site of the assassination, she chuckles to herself as the sound of their boots hitting the stones reach her ears.

She knows they will be able to tell who did it but since they only description they have of her is a cloaked and hooded figure..well..they wouldn't be searching for her anytime soon. After all, that's only what people see when an assassin either a shadow figure or a cloak and hooded one. Though she had earned a nickname among other assassins, the Silent dove. She chuckles as she remembers the name. 

They stop as they reach an old  tavern then leap down into the streets.Arabella pushes the door and strides in, ignoring the stares of the others already there. The tavern is dimely lite, others of shady work rest and drink. The two  go to an oak  table where two more males sit. One appears to be in his teens the other looks to be in his thirties. The older one speaks.

" So how did it go Arabella?" 


I hope you guys like the first chapter

will upload the next one soon


Chi-Anna :3

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