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"Run! Run!" I heard the screaming coming from behind, and I was doing the same thing, run, run for my life.

A group of ghouls had attacked 15th Ward once again, but more ghouls, they're desperate for flesh.

"Ah!" A terrific scream sounded behind, it makes me wince, and the tears just burst out of my eyes.

The ghoul is near.

"Please please please please please." I closed my eyes, but didn't stop running, "Someone help me." I whispered.

I felt myself falling on to the ground, a ghoul with a skull mask walked toward me, I can't see his expression, but from his eyes I know he's probably laughing, I got on to my feet, kept on running.

"Don't go, little girl!" The ghoul laughed from the rear.

I know this will be my nightmare forever, if I managed to survive this!

If I just get out of 15th ward, I'll be safe!

Then something slimy grabbed my foot, dragging me away from the border.

I tried to get rid of it, the ghoul's kagune by pulling it out with my hands, but it was no use.

The laughing got closer and closer.

And there were more kagune, one wrapped around my neck, and pulled me backward, making me unable to breathe.

"Help..... Stop......" I struggled, my hands reached out hopelessly.

"I won't let you go, little girl, you will be my dinner for tonight." The ghoul smirked.

My whole face was covered with tears.

I don't wanna die!

I opened my mouth frantically for oxygen, but the kagune gripped me tighter.

When I feel like I was about to die, a gun shot rang through the air.

Blood splashed all over my face, covered my eyes, as I fell to the ground.

Get away, I need to get away from here!

I crawled toward where the gun shot sound came from.

Someone embraced me, and I felt warm for the very first time, I don't want to let go.

He gently wiped away the blood that covered my eyes, I can see again.

A guy, probably 16 years old, one year bigger than me, his beautiful black hair waved in the air, he smiled at me, and told me that it'll be okay.

"Katsu-chan right?" He looked at me sympathetically.

"Yes." I was kind of surprise by my voice, it's like I haven't been speaking for a very long time.

"My name is Kai." He held out his hand, and I shook his hand hesitantly.

And then, on his suit, I saw the name CCG, I grabbed on to his arm tightly, "CCG!" I exclaimed, tears trickling down with hope, "Please! Please help me! My parents must be in there somewhere! Please help them!" I begged.

Kai looked away, "Katsu-chan, um, you might want to hear this."

My eyes were wide open, I asked excitedly, "What is it? Did you guys already rescued mom and dad?"

"I'm sorry." Kai closed his eyes.

I dropped down on to my knees.

"They, they were eaten by the ghouls." Kai stammered.

It hit my heart so hard that I could not catch my breath.

And the next second I was screaming.

Even though I couldn't hear it, I could feel my mouth was open and the vibration.

Kai kneeled down and hugged me tightly.

"It's okay, Katsu-chan, I will take care of you." He whispered gently, "Join CCG, and avenge for your parents."

Author's Notes: Heyyy guys what do u think of the prologue? Ayato is not in the prologue but he will come up soon :) hope you guys enjoy it~

The City Of Ruins (Tokyo Ghoul Kirishima Ayato Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang