Chapter 8

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Ok this chapter is going to be kind of speedy but bare with me here, I'm trying to speed the story up a bit to get to the interesting things.

Abel's Pov

We are headed back to hotel for tonight. Tomorrow will be a busy day for all of us because we still have to pick out places to tour and let Cash know about them. But all that's really on my mind is that Lani will be coming with me. She's officially apart of the crew now and I have good feelings about this.

I look over to see Lani leaned back sleep. She's so cute. I'm debating on whether should I wake her up or not because we're back at the hotel and she looks so peaceful sleeping.

"Aye Lamar grab her bags." I say hopping out the car walking to the other side,

"Nigga what's wrong with your arms, why do I have to carry all them bags?"

"I'm going to carry Lani in real quick if your ass don't mind." I say smartly back to him,

He smiles at me "Awww look at A trying to be sweet."

I throw him the middle finger then pick up Lani bridal style heading quickly into the hotel. We make it to the room and I carry Lani to the back where the bedroom is and lay her on the bed.

"Don't try anything." I turn around and see Lamar placing her bags down.

"I'm not even that kind of nigga don't play with me."

"Chill, I'm joking with your funny looking ass bro." Lamar says laughing,

"You're going to wake her up with all that man, let's go to the front." I say pushing him out, It's obvious she's tired.

"Yo man I'm going to my room, I'm beat tonight, I'm still jet lagged." Lamar says,

"Alright bro see you in the morning."

He walks out the door closing it behind him. Now it's only me up.

I head to my kitchen and grab a bottle of liquor taking it back laying down on the couch. I wasn't going to go wake Lani up she's still sleeping so I'll sleep here.

I take a few swigs of the liquor nothing to get major fucked up like I usually would do. I don't want to push Lani away with just from my bad habits that I'm use to doing. I feel myself slowly dozing off and I close my eyes relaxing,

"Abel." I hear Lani say. She pokes me again on the side of my head. 
I open my eyes looking at her. She has changed clothes... Makes me wonder how long was I "dozed off."

"Yes baby girl?" I say sitting up.

"Did you want to switch out where we are sleeping or something?"

"Unless you want me to sleep with you you're fine." I say winking at her.

"I'm not dealing with your nasty ways for three months."

"Why deal with it when you can just do it."

She rolls her eyes taking a step to walk off till I pull her into my lap,

"Abel what are you doing?" She says turning her head a little to look at me.

"Stay up for a few and watch a tv with me." I'm not sleepy yet and this liquor isn't doing shit for me.

She groans, "I'm tired."

"You're lying, you were sleep for like hours." I say holding her still,

"Ok fine." She says giving in "What are we watching?"

"Rick and Morty, it's one of my favorite shows."

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