Sleep over part 2

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(If you guys want to see the first half of this book go to ashantvall1 so let's get started)
What happened before the umm me still trying to think what was the password here is what happened last time on teen titans in high school
"And the last person is
*ravens spins the thing and a paper falls put*
ME?!?!??"Raven said
"Well y'all know I like Robin"star fire gets mad and sad "But"starfire looks up "I have a small crush on Aqualad" Raven said
"Ooooo cute"all the girls say
"Very cute"
That's where we left off I think anyways lets get started on sleepover part two
Raven POV
I just said that I had a crush on fish boy great now what do I do
Well I guess I do have a teeny tiny crush on him like || whatever
"YeP"I said
"Cool"bumblebee said
"Now what should we do"asked the girls
"How about we order pizza and watch a movie"star recommend
"Yah"all the girls said
"I'll order the pizza"Terra said
"We will decide what movie to pick"they all said what they were gonna do then they all went there ways starfire and bumble bee stayed to pick a movie while Raven and jinx looked for snacks and drinks while Terra ordered the pizza
Jinx's POV
when Raven said she likes Aqualad I knew she was telling the truth but I knew she loved Robin so very much I still can't believe that Robin did something like that I want to smack him till he can't stand and I know Terra is thinking the same thing
We care about Raven and we need to make sure she doesn't to wild or her powers will go hay wires that not even us can control Raven
And if Raven loses control 'he' might find her but we won't let 'him' take her away no matter what happens
"Jinx"Raven said I was daydreaming
"Jinx jinx jinx jinx"Raven said
I wonder if Aqualad likes Raven should I ask him no he might think I like him hell no ummm maybe I could ask him and hope he doesn't get the wrong idea
"JINXXXXXXX"Raven yelled
"Huh"I said
"I can't find any snacks can you help me and stop daydreaming"Raven asked
"Oh yah sure"I said then laughter
Then we started to looking for more snacks
"So what were you daydreaming about was it about KF"Raven said then chucked I blushes at the thought of KF then cleared my thout to stop it
"no I was daydreaming of other stuff"I said {I am now going to start using y pc to write stores so yah}

"What is this other stuff you talking" raven asked me

" Ohm " should I tell her About it no ill lie to raven with is going to be imposable to do " I was thinking what it would be like for terra and beast boy to date " I lied

"oh okay for a second there I thought you were thinking of doing something and not want to tell me but okay and I think that they could make a couple the rock with the animal... what did I say arg whatever " She said
'Wow she beloved me that a first anyways'
"Let's look for this snacks" I said then I band down and looked in the draws


'I wonder what jinx was really thinking I knew that was lie she's a really good liar but I can see thought it she was lying god I hope it wasn't about me and aqualad

we were looking for snacks for like 5 minutes now arg

I give up" I yelled and then jinx looked at me My eyes turn white and my hand glow black and I said Azarath Metrion ... ZINTHOS then I said I 'found' The Snacks "then looked at jinx

"raven u shouldn't use your powers like that but whatever lets go "she said then grabbed some of them and so did I and then we walked in the living room

"LETS WATCH A romantic DRAMA" star yelled

"NO LETS WATCH A ACTION comedy " BEE yelled


"IM NOT GONNA WATCH THAT "bee yelled pointing at the movie that was in stars hand

'GIRLLLLSSSSS' Me and jinxed yelled they looked at us

'how about we watch a movie that is both "we yelled

"yah sure why not "they yelled

Just then Terra came in
"CAN YOU GUYS STOP YELLING"she yelled over our yells
"Yes ma'am"we all said then sat down
"Whatever"they she said
Then we all sat down and started to watch the movie
I know this is short but I had to update so yah to be continued plus go see my new book  Frozen dragon I just started on it and we'll That's all
Peace out ✌🏻️👌🏻✌🏻

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