He grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug and everything went black. It was basically a second of absolute nothingness, but then it was gone and the familar surrounding of my home were in view. 

Damien quickly led me to the couch in Dante's office and sat me down. I groaned and laid down. Maybe this was a bit much. I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. Wolves weren't meant to travel like this, even if it was handy as hell.

Dante and my father burst into the office. "What the hell is going on? Sin, why are you here?" My father asked as Dante asked what happened. Damien let out a little chuckle. "She's fine, she just clinked with me, so she is a bit dizzy. I'll go get her some water." With that he was out the door.

"Did, you find out anything about Liam yet?" I asked my dad and he sighed. "No, nothing interesting. He is Lucian's brother. Father died, mother is still there, but you know all of that. His mate also died, that I found out." He explained and I grunted.

"His mate died huh, well maybe that's why he is on the deep end." I grumbles and sat up as Damien walked in, handing me my glass of water. Dant took a seat behind his desk and folded his hands looking at me intently.

"What are you talking about?" He asked and I looked at him. "Well it seems that Liam is working with those rogues who tried to attack me last night." I said and my father tsked and Dante stayed quiet.

Damien punched the wall. Leave it to him to have the anger issues. "I want her out of there now!" He roared and all three of us rolled out eyes. "Relax D, I'm fine and I can take care of myself if you haven't noticed." I told him.

"I agree with Sin, she is one of our best Damien, you know that. Control your temper now." Dante agreed and Damien didn't retort. He knew better. He plopped down on the couch with me and sighed. My father seemed to find all this ammusing and chuckled quietly to himself.

He knew of Damien's crush on me and approved, but he knew how I was and never pushed the relationship on me. My mother on the other hand, always tried.

As if on cue, my mother burted through the door of the office and grabbed me into a hug. "Oh my baby girl! I missed you so much! Did you finish the mission? Are you home for good now?" She rambled on into my hair and I looked to my father for help.

He lifted his hands in surrender as if to say I was on my own. I snorted and mouthed a 'thanks' to him. He smiled back. Ass.

"Mom, I missed you too and no I'm not done yet, I came to ask some questions about the mission." I told her as I finished hugging her. She slowly moved herself from me and went to stand with my father and sighed. 

"I knew it was to good to be true. Is everything going okay?" I nodded to her. She didn't need to know that complication had arouse. I didn't want to worry her that rogues were now apart of the equation.

My dad whispered into my mother's ear, low enough so only she could hear him. She nodded, gave me one last hug with an 'I love you', and walked out, closing the door. 

"Alright, well you have the Belladonna, so that part is out of the way. I am curious to why Lucians brother is working with rogues, so I want you to try and find out. Normally I wouldn't care, but if he is working with them, it's for a reason and once Lucian is removed and he takes his place. I don't want the entire pack to suffer." Dante ordered and I nodded my agreement.

We usually wouldn't give a shit what happens, but we can't leave an entire pack at the mercy of rougues. That's just cruel.

"Well then it looks like I might be around longer then we thought. I won't be killing Lucian until I get to the bottom of this, and then I will finish the job and get the hell out of there. I miss home already." I sighed and drank the rest of my water.

We talked a bit more about the plans and what might be going on, until it was time for Damien to take me back to my car. I wasn't thrilled with having to blink again but I didn't really have a choice in the matter.

He grabbed hold of me once more and it was deja vu with a side of sea sick. My car was in view in the next second and I leaned against it. "I want you to call me if you need me at any fucking time. This could get dirty and I will be checking in." I rolled my eyes. As if I didn't expect that.

"I know Damien, thank you. Now I am going to go to my small motel room take a shower, and go to sleep." I said and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He returned it and opened my door for me to get in. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Sin. Be careful." I nodded and got into the car and drove off.

Great, as if killing the Alpha wasn't the biggest problem. Let's add some rogues and a crazy brother in the mix. Gotta love the life of an assassin.

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