Lector nodded. "Happy and Charla are sleeping and Pantherlily's on guard duty, so we're all that's left."

"Is he guarding against outside attack or against the dragon slayers?" I asked, putting Frosch back on the ground.

"A little of both, I think." The exceed admitted as we stepped into the library.

"This place is huge!" Gray gaped at the endless rows of shelves and enormous amount of books.

"It's really not that surprising, when you think about it." Levy explained. "The Magnolia City Library is one of the main libraries of Fiore. A lot of Fiore history books and records of Council cases are stored here."

"How big is it?" Lisanna asked, looking a little awestruck.

"I think it's about the size of our guild house." I answered, squinting at an informational plaque near the door.

"Juvia was very right to get Love Rival and Levy-san. This could've taken hours!" Juvia added with wide eyes.

"Well, we won't get anything done standing here!" Mira cheerfully started skipping towards the stacks. Suddenly, she stopped mid-skip and turned around. "Um, where are we going?" She asked sheepishly.

Lucy laughed. "Well, the best place to look would be the Magical Creature part of the Biology section, in non-fiction."

"There could also be something about dragons in the history section." Levy added.

"Let's split up to save time." Lisanna said. She looked down at the exceeds. "You guys can fly messages back and forth."

"I should probably do that myself. Frosch gets lost easily." Lector said, glancing at his companion.

"They're both in the back, so we can walk there together. Be careful not to get lost." Levy warned. We walked deep into the library and ended up passing through a section filled with folders instead off books.

"Where are we?" Gray asked.

"This is the section where the Council stores their case files. Fairy Tail has a whole shelf to itself." Lucy giggled, pointing it out.

"Do we really commit that many crimes?" Mira murmured.

"It's mostly charges of property damage." Lucy reassured her.

"And we all know who's responsible." Lisanna said slyly. We all look at Gray.

"Flame Brain starts it." He said sulkily. We all laugh, even Juvia. We were almost out of the case files when a large maroon folder caught my eye. 'Oracion Seis Incident' it read. Without even thinking about it, I pulled it off the shelf and flipped it open. The first page had pictures of the Oracion Seis members and....

"Erza? You should stay with us. I wasn't kidding when I said you can get lost in here." Levy spoke from behind me.

"O-oh, apologies, I...."

She peered around me and gave a small smile. "Jellal, huh?" She asked, looking at the last picture. She suddenly crouched down in front of a blue folder one shelf down. 'Phantom Lord Guild Incident' it read. She traced the spine with a sad and wistful look on her face.

"Erza-san? Levy-san?" We looked up. Lector was hovering above us with a look of concern on his face.

"Apologies, Lector. We were looking at some old cases." I replied, placing the folder back on the shelf. Levy stood up and gave a bright smile.

"C'mon, they're counting on us." She trotted away, with Lector and I following. I glanced back at the folder once. Jellal.....

~Time Skip~

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