Chapter 4

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Selina trailed her fingers across the piano. The room she was in was an old music room, covered with dust and filled with mice. The room hadn't need used for years. Luckily, the old grand piano was still in good condition, albeit a little - ok, a lot - out of tune. She got to work dusting down the piano with an old rag found backstage. It took some time to get it clean, but it was worth it. In their old home, their piano had been a source of comfort and joy. Now it would do so again.

She dragged over a small writing desk at an angle to the piano, so both the desk and table could be reached by someone sitting at the piano bench. She set down the bag she had brought with her, as well as the candle, on the desk. A cloud of smoke arose. She had forgotten to wipe down the desk. Coughing, she did so, before opening the knapsack. A stack of parchment, some written on, some blank, was spread out onto the desks. An ink pot and old quill were next, appearing next to the stack of parchment.

Picking up the most recent sheet, Selina studied the notes placed on the carefully drawn bar lines. She couldn't play them, but Adele did. Selina sung, the one of only times she spoke. It was a curious thing. Beautiful, and haunting melodies could be written, but she couldn't play them. She wasn't skilled enough. Her talent was in song, while Adele's was in playing the piano. She dipped the quill into the ink pot and began to write...
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Sitting at the piano four years later, she laid the music sheets out so she could see them easier. The flickering light only made the scene more haunting as the words began to spill from her mouth.

"Past the point of no return..."

The door behind her opened and closed, then the click of a lock falling into place. Selina paused and stood, standing behind the piano bench so Adele to sit and play, picking up her copy of the music in the process. Her sister sat, still dressed in her ballet outfit, and began to run her fingers over the keys. This was a nightly routine, one that relaxed and comforted them after a long day of work.

Together, the two of them let the music ring through the room after warming up Selina's voice, and because it was night, the music slipped through the cracks in the walls and spread throughout the opera house. The melodies were so hauntingly beautiful that the Phantom was said to be playing it. Madame Giry and the two girls knew better. As did the Phantom who was watching, not that they knew.

Eventually, the music began to slow, until Adele was lying asleep against the piano keys.
Selina smiled, a sad smile, as she looked down at her sister. She was still blissfully unaware of how their mother died. Selina knew she would have to tell her soon, but she was putting it off as long as possible.

Using the strength gained from working in the backstage crew, she hoisted Adele up so her head is resting on her shoulder, carrying her off to the ballet girls' room. A year after they had settled in, Adele had moved in with Meg and their friend, Christine, in their room.

Selina had settled in as well. After many attempts, she had finally proven to the men that worked backstage that she was no girly-girl. When they tried to dissuade her with rumors of the 'Opera Ghost', she had merely smiled. She was also worked into a job at the kitchens, sharing family recipes and perfecting her cooking skills.

Selina cracked the door open when she reached Adele's room, entering and laying her down. She stripped her if her ballet shoes, putting them at the foot of the bed and peeling out of her ballet dress and leaving her in her slip before pulling the blanket up and covering her. She sent one last look at the other sleeping girls before exiting the room. She had always been silent when walking, so it helped now as to not wake the ballet 'rats'.

When she reached the room to clean up after them, she noticed one worrying difference. Where she had left her copy of the music, was now replaced by three roses, red, purple, and white, tied with a black ribbon. Leaning against the mini bouquet was an envelope, sealed with a wax seal in the shape of a skull. She knew instantly who it was from. But why would the Phantom be messaging her? He most likely didn't remember her, but why else would he leave a letter?

Picking up the ominous letter, her brow furrowed at the barely legible print spelling her name. She inhaled the scent of lake water and a man's scent that was trailing off. Her shaky fingers pried open the seal and she slid out the letter. She was hesitant to flip it over, but when she did, she grew even more confused.

Brava, brava, Mademoiselle.
I surely hope you don't mind if I borrow your music. It will be well used, instead of being hidden away. Just leave out an extra copy of your music, and you will be rewarded. Your voice cannot be so easily hidden. Red for the wrongly spilt blood of your mother, white for the purity of your sister, and lavender for the beauty of your voice.

Everything was about to change.
I'm not dead, I promise! I am so, so, so, sorry! I didn't forget you, I promise! Ok, maybe I did. Here. *Hands out Punjab lassos*
So, what did you think? They are now five years older.
Phantom: 31
Selina: 27
Adele: 16
Don't forget to:
Goodbye my phanatics!

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