Chapter I: A Song of Angels

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[Welp, here's my first story on here. Um, enjoy (?) :D]

Nancy was out late as usual with the long commute from her waitress job to her apartment which was a little over a five mile walk without a car and no bus transportation in the ragged, "ghetto" part of town. Nancy sighed to herself as the cold night air blew right through her thin clothes.

"Damn, I really should have remebered to bring a jacket." she hissed against the beads of tears in her eyes from the dry breeze, as she curled her arms close to her chest in a sad attempt to keep warm. After what seemed like hours of walking she finally arrived at a three story building with rickety, iron fire escapes on the side. If anyone heavier than Nancy (160 lbs for your information) stepped out onto that, the whole thing would probably fall apart. As she neared the front door a lovely little old lady stepped onto the front porch with a long, double barrel rifle in hand.

"Oh it's just you Nancy." she smiled in the midst of her twangy Texan accent. Nancy shivered a bit and followed the gun-bearer inside; the old lady, Ms.Clare, was a fright, but she was a useful defense in such a shady area. "I was about to go lookin' for you, such a nice girl like yer'self outta find a closer job. Yer makin' an old woman worry." and with that she retired to her own room next to the door. Nancy travled up the creaking steps to her appartment on the third floor and then realized to her despair

"Did I really forget my key at work!?" she fumbled all about her person to no avail, she sunk to sit on the floor and ran a hand through her short wavy blonde hair, then she perked up at the sound of a low bark. "Sunday!" she called her silly little brown terrier that the landlord had gotten for her two years ago- and yeah, she named it after icecream, so?- the small dog scrapped at the inside of the door and yipped happily, recognizing Nancy's voice. "Sunday, fetch, go, fetch!" She cooed to the trained dog. He moved away from the door and jumped up onto some table, knocking over something and returned to push a metal object under the door and bark again- a spare key; she taught him herself. Letting herself in, Nancy scooped up the little dog and kissed the top of it's head as she closed the door. She set the dog down on her bed where he pawed around with a hand-made quilt and frilly pillows. Nancy smiled as she walked into her small, but grand oasis, the bathroom. Closing the door she stripped down and hopped into a divine shower where she washed away all the dirt and dried food from her job and miserable journey back home. And when she was satisfied she had rinsed herself down thoroughly, she began to sing a tune she had known all her life...

In this house is where I was born

With the love of deadly kin

A rough and unmotherly touch

A firm father's destructive hand

When I was young

A meadow; I met them

They took me by the hand

To a lovely foreign land

And when I was done

They took me back home again

A small taste of heaven

Oh how I love them

By the end of her song she knew that Sunday was laying next to the door listening as little tufts of his long fur poked out from under the door. Nancy smiled and wrapping a towel around herself opened the bathroom door to scoop up the little terrier. As she turned to her bed against the wall she saw that her window had been left wide open. Nancy blushed and dropped the dog.

"How did I not see that when I came in?" she squeaked as she shut and locked it closing the curtains before anyone could catch her bare self. A chill crept over her naked shoulders, she wasn't alone in the room; she whipped her head around to see a tall man with short black hair and blue eyes trained on her chest. Her first instinct was to scream, but his hand shot out and covered her mouth, he pressed her against the wall next to the window and held her there with a serious "shut up" glare. Then she heard it. Out on the fire escape, something slithered down it causing a ruckas of clanks as the metal bent and stretched under its weight. Nancy's wide eyes crept to the side to get a glimpse of what was creeping along the building; she regretted it instantly.

The creature had big red fish eyes with a human shaped head, but open jaws that spread open from ear to ear in some horrific joke of a clown's smile. A forked tongue flecked out between various crooked, knife-like teeth. The worst part was that it's elongated, slithering, half human shaped body was covered in scales like a snake. Nancy HATES snakes. By the time she looked away she realized she had stopped breathing as her heart thumped inside her chest as if it would burst out of her. The man, whom she'd forgotten was still holding her face, made her look at his icy blue eyes.

"Hey, do you want to stay alive?" he asked her the incredulous question. Nancy opened her mouth, but couldn't seem to get the words out. A loud slam echoed from downstairs, it felt like a small earthquake followed by angry gunshots and a horrifying screech that made Nancy flinch, but Ms. Clare wasn't enough, something continued to slithered up the steps to the second floor. The man asked again with a harsh grab of her thin arm "Do you want to live?" The slithering returned to the stairs and found it's way to the third floor where Nancy could hear its disturbing tongue flicking about just outside her door. Nancy turned her terrified gaze back to the raven-haired man.

"Ye-s..." she choked out the answer in a state of panic. What were these creatures? Why were they at her appartment? Who was this stranger?! All of the sudden, in a quick and fluid movement, the man tipped Nancy's chin up and brought her hips in closer. He brought his lips down on her's with a rough urgency, he opened her mouth with his own brute lips as he kept a firm grip in the back of her hair to stop her from pulling away. The kiss chilled and burned her body as electricity passed between them and over her rapid heart beat she heard a window break, the door ripping of its hinges, and terrible screeching. The stranger released her hair and pushed Nancy behind him to stumble and fall on her bed in the corner of the room. The raven-haired man stood in the center of the room, a small glowing white ring circled his shoes as shards of glass and splints of wood were frozen in mid air. Nancy almost screamed; there were two of the horrid scaly creatures each pounching with clawed hands outstretched, reaching for the man, but they too, were frozen in their attack. The image of the stranger distorted and disappeared. Nancy's room was back to normal, leaving no evidence behind. Her windows and door were back in their places. The only proof that something happened at all lay on Nancy's red lips,she clutched her towel as her fingers traced the small welt where the man had nicked her lip. Sunday crawled out from under the bed and yipped at her happily. A few moments later she heard the landlord's extremely loud drama shows from the little TV she kept in her room next to the front door. Nothing had happened, or did it? "What the Hell just happened!?"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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