Chapter 23: Lost Brother

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Hey so this is going to be the late chapter. :( But don't worry.....There is going to be a second book!!!! Yay! I will tell you the title.....but I can't think of one. I'll give you the summary in the next slide and so you can make up a title for it. Don't worry I will give you credit. Let's end this!

(Journal 4)

I'm continuing the recording with the author. I am now his assistant and when he pass I'll take over. Yesterday we found a way to travel to different Dimasions, worlds, universes, anywhere were you can imagne. They are call Transporter Balls. Hand made by the author. They will travel to anywhere were you desire but there are some weakness like how the portal could only be open for a short time. Still trying to find a way to keep it open longer or hide it in our pockets until we want to leave. This journal would be about the creatures that we discover.

(Next page)

Human Slave

These people may just look like regular human but they posses. They are under the control of demons. Extramely dangerous when the connection between human and demon are strong and they had many lessons. You can tell if they are posses by the white eyes and change of personality and the joy of killing and blood.

Weakness: Stun guns to stun the human and for the connection to teparily break. The less leasons and weaker conncetion, the weaker the human slave. Weak connection is are able to be broken. Strong connection can't be broken or the cure is unknown.  

Cure: Weak conncetion a Cobber Drink. Stronger conncetion-unknown

(Invisibel ink- Gnome beard hair, five blood butterflies, sand of white rock, and tears of a mermaid. Mix them together(Mix well) and pour and drink)

I close the book and sigh as I look at Dipper's hat on the desk. Grunkle Ford came up to me and place a hand on my shoulder and gave me a weak smile. I reply with a weak smile. After we got back we cure Gideon and Pacifica and I told them what they did and what else happen.

Gideon went on with life after we cure him. He went and talk to Me and found out about the set up and banish her from his house. Yep, Me knew about Chalka's plan, in fact they planned it together when they meet. Me wanted Gideon out. I'm not sure why. Well now Gideon is running his own things and he didn't get the King Stone but he did get something from Grunkle Ford...I'm not sure what it was...I wasn't there but I know that Grunkle Ford gave him something.

Pacifica was heart broken that she will most likely never see Dipper again. Pacifica shut herself down...not only that Dipper would never come back but she was too startle about what Chalka made her do. She nearly killed Dipper and me. She couldn't handle it. Pacifica haven't came outside yet or leave her house. She only stays in her room, looking out the window. She doesn't talk to anyone but me really but it was small talk. I lied to her and broke a promis. I told her she wouldn't get hurt but she got hurt and now she is gone from the world.

Grunkle Stan is doing his own things, running the shack and doing his illegle stuff.

Grunkle Ford is now doing research on the other worlds as me as an assant. I volliter. I want to find a way to help Dipper. I want to bring back Dipper. Grunkle Ford is planning to go around and discovering new things and hopefully find a cure for Dipper.

For me, I'm staying here in Gravity Falls. I convice my parents to let me live here because I got this new research job and I'm needed. It took a bit of convincing but I mange to get them to say yes. So I'm doing school here and the lab job. I'm hopping things will work out and I'll be able to help Dipper. That is my goal. To find my lost brother.

Thank you all for reading this. Thank you for the views, votes and comments. I really do appreciate it. You are all amazing!!!!! Thank you again and I hope you like the story. -HardyTwister

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