The Invitation

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Chapter Two

The Invitation


Monday April 16th

Five days before the accident

“Are you going to Zoe’s party on the weekend?” Annabelle asked me, flipping open her phone to check for any missed messages during the day.

“Wasn’t planning on it.”  I replied, chucking my school bag down on the bedroom floor.  “I wasn’t even technically invited.”

“Me neither, Sophie invited me,” Annabelle said, quickly flipping her phone shut and slipping it into her pocket.  “And since she’s friends with Zoe I thought I might as well go along for the ride.  Everybody’s saying it’s going to be massive.”

“Zoe always throws the biggest parties.” I said, plonking myself down on Annabelle’s bed.  “No wonder she’s popular.”

“I know, right!”  Annabelle replied, sitting down next to me.  We both laughed.  “But seriously, are you going to go?”  Annabelle asked after the laughter had died down.

“I don’t know.”  I said, shaking my head.  “Don’t you think it’ll be kind of dodgy?  You know with all that alcohol and stuff.”

Annabelle shrugged.  “I wouldn’t worry about that.  Zoe’s parents probably won’t even allow her within ten meters of the bottle shop.”

“Maybe,” I said, still uncertain.

“Oh please, at least ask your parents.  If they say no, I won’t mention it again.  It would be so much more fun if you could come!”  Annabelle pleaded.  I bit my lip.  I didn’t know how to tell her I didn’t want to go.  I’d never liked parties or big social events, anything like that.  I always did my best to avoid them but there was no way of getting out of this one.  Annabelle wasn’t just anyone, she was my best friend.  She’d done some pretty big things for me, so didn’t I at least owe her this?

“Ok,” I said, a little half heartedly. “I’ll ask.”

 “Thank you, I’ll love you forever!”  Annabelle cried embracing me in a huge hug. I smiled into her shoulder.  At least I was making someone happy.

“Bella, Charlie’s mum is here.”  Annabelle’s mum, Christine, stuck her head round the bedroom door.  “What are you two doing?”  She asked, smiling. 

Annabelle giggled “Oh nothing.” She replied, winking at me. 

I smiled and grabbed my school bag. “See you tomorrow Bella.”  I said as I followed Christine out of the room.

“See you,” Annabelle said, giving me a little wave.  “And don’t forget to ask!”

“I won’t!”  I called back.  I just knew I’d be thinking about it all night.

                                                                                         *  *  *

“Hey sweetie, how was your day?” My mum asked as I opened the passenger seat door and clambered in.

“Ok,” I replied, strapping myself in and flinging my school bag into the back seat.  Mum honked the horn once and waved goodbye to Christine before we drove off round the corner.

“Sorry I couldn’t make it to school in time” Mum apologised. “I hate having to rely on Christine so much to take care of you but work is making things very difficult at the moment.” She gave me a lopsided grin and ruffled my hair.

“It’s ok, I really don’t mind.”  I said. This routine had been going on for years.  Annabelle and I had been friends since kindergarten, so it was no wonder that our parents were on friendly terms.  Years ago, we’d set up this little arrangement that I would go home with Annabelle after school so my mum could get some more done at work.  It really didn’t make any difference to me but it bothered Mum.  She hated not being there to pick me up. 

“How’d your maths test go today?” Mum asked, making idle conversation to pass the time.

“Really well.  I found it pretty easy.”  I said, playing with my watch.  Annabelle’s party was really bothering me.

“That’s good.”  Mum said, giving me a sideways glance.  “Are you ok?  You seem a bit down.  Did something happen at school?” She looked at me, concern filling her features.  I sighed.  Maybe she would understand, I thought.  Highly doubtful.

“It’s Annabelle.”  I blurted out before I could even think about what I was saying.  Mum gave me the funny smile she reserved for Annabelle.

“What’s Annabelle done now?”  She was trying to be serious but I could hear the laughter in her voice.  Mum thought Annabelle was a drama queen.  But at least she found her amusing.

“She’s invited me to a party on the weekend and...” I began but Mum cut me off.

“Rewind,” she said.  “What party and at whose house?”

“Zoe Donaldson’s.” I said, quietly. “Her parents will be there.” I added as an afterthought.

“Zoe Donaldson,” My Mum said thoughtfully.  “Now is she the nice one who was at Sophie’s party?  The tall one?”

“Yep, that’s her.”  I said, staring out the window.

“And when is this party?”  Mum asked.

“Saturday Night.”

“Hmm...”  We were both quiet for a few moments.  I looked at Mum expectantly. “Well,” she said.  “As long as you’re very careful, don’t drink anything that looks remotely like alcohol and organise to catch a ride home with Annabelle, I don’t see why you can’t go.”

“Thank you so much!  I love you!”  I cried, reaching over to give Mum a hug.  She patted my arm reassuringly.

“That’s alright sweet heart.  I can drive you there if need be.”

“That’d be great!”  I said, pulling away from Mum’s arms.  I was suddenly really ecstatic about this.  How could I have gone from dreading it to being super excited in the space of half an hour? 

Maybe Annabelle’s joy had infected me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2011 ⏰

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