Chapter 1: Back Story

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October 27th, 1997


It was 1997. It had been a long two years for Tony Jackson. It was the two year anniversary of the day he was released from prison after being incarcerated for gang associations and narcotics trafficking. Tony's gang associations made for a long and stressful prison bid. In the beginning of his sentence, Tony developed a severe anger problem and he was constantly ready to kill at any given moment. He beat the shit out of quite a few people in that prison before they got him help. About two years into his sentence he started taking meds for his anger episodes. The medication kept him mostly stable, but if you pressed hard enough you could still push him past his breaking point and he'd snap. He still needed an outlet to channel his anger into so he decided to learn how to fix cars while he was in jail. He spent as much time as he could studying about cars and became an above average mechanic. He was lucky to get out of prison after 3 years, but the time he spent incarcerated had definitely taken its toll on his mind.

When he was released he met the love of his life, her name was Angelina and she was a beautiful woman. She had long black hair that fell to the middle of her back, caramel covered skin, and a fat ass. Tony was hooked by her from day one. He fell hard and fast for Angelina and before he knew it he could see himself changing to become a better man for her. Everything was going along perfectly for a while and Tony was even thinking about asking Angelina to marry him. Then she told him she was pregnant. Tony was ecstatic about the prospect of having a baby. He started looking for a job and trying to find better place for them to stay. Eventually he got hired at a local auto shop owned by a motorcycle club called the Sons of Anarchy. Him and the owner Jimmy bonded over their time in prison and their love of cars and quickly became best friends. Jimmy could see how excited his best friend was as the time drew near for the baby to arrive, it was evident in his actions. Tony went out and bought a top of the line crib and piles of clothes. He had his mother plan an extravagant baby shower. He baby proofed the entire apartment and drove Angelina to every doctor appointment. He prayed for a boy, but when the doctor told him he was having a girl he vowed to protect her with his life.

When the baby finally arrived she was simply beautiful. She had dark brown eyes that twinkled and jet black hair. She was chunky with long fingers and a smile that could make the toughest biker in the club melt. Tony adored his new daughter and was attached to her. He read to her and put her to bed every evening and had no problem getting up to give her a bottle at night. He changed diapers and bathed her. She quickly became his little best friend. She loved her daddy. And she would need him.

*Present Day*

It was early in the morning on a crisp October day. Tony was sitting on the couch in his and Angelina's small one bedroom apartment holding his young child in his arms. After prison Tony's heart had turned cold toward everyone outside his family except his girlfriend Angelina, yet he found himself lying on his couch alone with tears running down his cheeks as he looked at the beautiful baby he was holding. His daughter Alexis. He held a note in his hand from his daughter's mother, as he read the note tears rolled down his face and he kissed his baby on the forehead and held her tight.


By the time you wake up and find this note I will be long gone. I hope that you can forgive me for this. I know how excited you were about the baby, so I couldn't figure out a way to tell you. Tony, I am just not ready for the responsibility of a child. Lord knows she is beautiful, but I just cannot seem to look at her without thinking of everything I'll be giving up in the future.

I love you, Tony. More than you will ever know. You have given me the best two years of my life. You loved me when I was broken and healed my heart. So I am truly sorry because I know I'm breaking yours. You changed for me, acknowledged your faults, and became a whole new man to be a father to our baby. I know how much you love her, I can see it in your eyes. Please forgive me someday, Tony. I know you are a good man with a big heart despite whatever mistakes you've made. Our daughter is lucky to have you. Protect her. Love her extra hard. Be there for her. And stay out of trouble for her sake. Please do not let losing me break you, Tony. She needs you. You deserve better anyway.

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