Texting and dinner

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thank god work was over now i have to go head to the house to go tell julisa about the dinner with the guys and harry and its all ready 4:30 getting in my car , sense there is still time to get ready i went to the mall to kill time and buy dress for me and julisa (passing the car ride ) i was at the wall and i went to forever 21 to buy a dress i finally got the right dress and some things that i needed and i also got julisa dress. when i got to the house i saw julisa watching t.v omg its going to be hard getting her to come because pretty little liars is on today and you know julisa is a big fan i read the book so i know who it is but i don't bother watching the show because of it although if  they change it "julisa" she turned around "why do you have shopping bags in your hands"  "oh because harry and the guys invited you and me for dinner so i thought of buying you and me a dress so get ready because they will be here at 8:00 "yea body" juicy screamed (that's julisa nickname) i gave her her dress "oh i cant wait to try it on" she ran up stairs to her bath room then i went in my room because my bathroom was in it i put my dress on top of my bed and tock a warm shower i got dressed did my make up hair and at the end i looked like this  and then julisa walked out it was 7:44 she looked like this i texted harry 



"hey we are ready "x



"we will be their 6mins k love xoxo"



"k,your so lame"



"lol but you like it joy g2g Taylor over here getting jealous because am texting you "



"lol no i dont like it am going to stop texting you before you get song written about this"



"hahahahahahahah lol thanks but your talking about my girlfriend chick lol idc it is true i better stop before that happens bye see you we almost herein like 2mins.

"who you txtening " "harry" "oh you like him" "no i don't why does everybody think that " "everybody" "the girls at school today" "oh" there was a knock on the door julisa had opened it "oh hey harry" "hey julisa are you ready" "well did joy just tell you we are lol jk yep" "joy there here" i got my purse and headed out "wow joy you look wow" i was blushing harry was looking at me top to bottom then Niall got out of the car "wow you girls look amazing " julisa said "thanks" i was blushing because harry was staring at me and it was awkward then he walked me to the car "wheres Taylor " she went with the other girls" "oh" harry was driving Niall and julisa where talking when we stopped at a sign harry look at me threw the mirror and smiled oh god what do i do i just smiled back and and i text julisa 



hey am going to pretended aye guy text me am going to tell you and i want to see Harry's reaction 



lol girl k lets do it

she looked back at me and i looked at my phone "julisa Brad txted me again"  "omgod he likes you girl" i saw harry threw the mirror he looked mad and red "No he screamed" "mate whats wrong" Niall said harry stopped the car to a place "whats wrong with me harry screamed at me " oh god i was red "what do you mean "whats wrong" "why don't you like me " julisa and Niall were silent "i do harry but what do you mean" "joy i cant stop thinking about you and am jealous "but your with Taylor " "dude mate you need to chill" Niall had said it was awkward the whole car ride omgod what did i do harry likes me 

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