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joy p.o.v

the whole car ride was so silent i did't know what to do when we got their i was walking next julisa i did't want to look at harry then Niall grabbed on to her hand i was walking alone then i felt lips brush on my ear "i liked you" i turned around and saw harry i smiled at him when we got in harry told the person the table we got their the girls and the boys where sitting there  all ready and i sat next to julisa and julisa was next to Niall harry sat across from me and then Taylor was next to him then Louis girlfriend Eleanor sat next tom "hello whats your name" "hi am joy and yours" "Eleanor" "well nice to meet you" then Eleanor was about to say something  but then she got cut of by Taylor "i heard name before joy yea its what girls call their dogs" then the hole table started laughing then it was my turn to say something "yea and Taylor is the hoe who rights songs about guys that  she cant even keep " then the whole table said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" then i got up from where i was and left the table and got out of the table then harry got up an ran up to me "don't talk about my girl that" "what you going to do you know its true" "no i cant  deal with this right know" "i- then i was cut off he kissed me and push me to wall omgod i felt so right then i kissed back 

 joy-i know its a short chapter but yea

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