Nothing. She looked at it confused for a second, a second too long. Max rolled over and got on top of her. His chain got pulled taut and Max was pulled back. Furiosa picked up the bolt cutters and went to swing at him. I quickly jumped in and caught it, stopping her from swinging anymore.

"What are you doing", she said as we both struggled for control of the bolt cutters. I was successful, as I had the strength of two arms. I swung the bolt cutters at her, not aiming to kill, but knock out.

Furiosa ducked and tackled me. She punched my stomach and the air was knocked out of me. She quickly snatched the bolt cutters out of my hands and got up. She moved towards Max but I stuck my hand and grabbed her leg. She fell over and spun around to kick me in the face.

I grunted in pain and rolled away. She got up and went after Max. Thankfully he brought the car door up and blocked her. She swung multiple times, Max scrambling back the whole time. I got on my feet just as Furiosa was hit in the face with the car door. She fell to the ground and I noticed the war boy wake up.

I ignored him for now, because Furiosa got up and started running. I ran over and to stop her, not seeing the chain being brought up and tripping us both over. We both grunted and got up at the same time. She crushed one of the skulls on the truck and grabbed her head and almost bashed it against the rig, when her feet were taken out from under her.

I sent a quick glare to the war boy who had done it. Whose side was he on? His own.
While he and Furiosa scrambled around on the ground, I grabbed the gun and pointed at the ground near her feet. I shot twice, gathering everyone's attention, and hearing a few of the girls scream.

Furiosa paused and I moved my aim to her head. I knew I wasn't going to shoot her, but she didn't. Max walked over and I quickly handed him the gun, he would shoot her, and Furiosa definitely knew that.

Max moved closer to her and swept her legs out from underneath her, keeping the gun aimed at her. He put one foot on her back and we all looked to the horizon as we heard the war guitar. Me and Max glanced at each other, we had to move soon. The war boy jumped up and got in Max's face, placing his hands on his shoulders. I took a step forward, but then he began speaking.

" Glory me blood bag! We snagged her alive, he's gonna shred 'er", he got down and in Furiosa's face, "shred 'er".

"Bolt cutters", Max said, "chain".

The war boy jumped up and bounded towards the bolt cutters.

"Hey!", I said at the same time Max said the same thing. The war boy understood and made a vague gesture. He grabbed the bolt cutters and continued speaking. "Look at them...So shiny, so chrome".

He put the bolt cutters on the chain and I almost groaned when he started speaking again. "He's gonna be so grateful. We could ask for anything".

Finally he cut the chain and Max wasted not time unravelling it and standing up.

"I wanna drive the war rig", the war boy continued, a dreamy look on his face.

"That's my jacket", Max said and pulled the jacket off the boy. He tossed it to me and I instantly pulled it on, feeling covered and safe, although it was more my legs I wanted to cover.

"You can ask for more than a jacket", the boy joked. I started towards the rig, as did Max and the war boy.

Max turned around and punched the boy in the stomach, sending him to the ground.

"We're going to the green place", Angharad whispered. She stalked forward towards the rig. Max reacted instantly and shot her leg. She stopped and I think I heard her whisper something else.Max walked forward and caught up to me. I walked past Angharad and whispered an apology. I scurried forward and opened the door and Max helped me up.

Before I got in I cast a look behind me, at the girls we were leaving behind. Two of them were pregnant, and one of them was injured. They were going to get caught by Immortan Joe, and whilst the girls wouldn't get punished, Furiosa would probably get executed. Then I remembered how she had no hesitation about killing me and Max and leaving us in the sand. I climbed the rest of the way in.

Max climbed in after me and started the engine. We rolled along and we finally got to be alone.

Max looked over at me. His eyes scanned down my entire body. "What the hell did they put you in?"
Then he reached towards my face, keeping one hand on the wheel, and grabbed my chin.

"She hurt you".

"She had to", I said and leant up, "I almost didn't recognise you without your hair".

"You look good", I said and leant my forehead and against his, not putting another thought in my head about the innocent girls we were leaving behind.

two updates in one night!? what a slayer i am.
also theyre both unedited as of now so theres probably a billion mistakes.
i can fix that.

thanks for reading 😘💖

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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