Epilogue: The Cherry On The Cake

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Epilogue: The Cherry On The Cake ~ Vic's POV

I brushed my teeth in the mirror, the sound of the toothbrush scraping my teeth echoed off the tiled walls. I stared back at myself in the miroor, but I wasn't really looking. Movement caught my eye in the side of the mirror. I turned and saw Anna hauling a bag over her shoulder, heading down the hall.

"'Ey." I called, my voice muffled by the toothpaste frothing in my mouth. She stopped, taking a few steps back so she was in the doorway. She gave me an innocent look, her big brown eyes looking at me, as if I was turned and looking in the mirror again. I held up a finger, before turning and spitting out my toothpaste into the sink, and quickly washing out my mouth.

"And where might you be going?" I questioned, nodding towards her bag, whilst wiping my mouth with a towel. She looked down at her own bag before smiling at me.

"I'm going to Ty's, he said he is willing to give me therapy through a Friends marathon and ice cream with M&M's all through it." I paused for a moment, and my eyes turned to slits. I wanted to tell her that this boy clearly was more than her best friend, but I decided it was the last thing she probably needed right now. The tension in my shoulder loosened, maybe I'm just more protective over her after this Jacob thing, but she'd been with Ty like this since she was young. Can't lie, I would support their relationship, I can tell he likes her more than her best friend. I know because I was the same. I think she half knew, but was trying to ignore it in fear of loosing the friendship. Like me and her mother at the start.

"Ok." Was all I could say, after I stood staring at her stupidly for a short time, tossing over my thoughts.

"Wow dad, thank you for your permission." She said with fake cheeriness. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Dang, you sure got a big mouth in you in your age." I muttered, earning a cheeky grin from her. There was a bang down the hall and she looked down it, and I could heard Cat yelling at Naomi about something in the distance. Anna made an unsurprised face, and sighed.

"Mom was gonna take me, but looks like I'll be waiting for a bit. Speaking of mom, she told me the story of how you two actually got together today." My eyebrows quirked up.

"Oh, did she really?" Anna nodded her head at me, taking a step into the bathroom, perching herself on the edge of the bath, pushing her long hair out of her face. I guess Cat was right, I may have missed the first five years, but I've still witnessed her grow up.

"Jeez, you really did screw up the end didn't you." I could tell she meant it, but was also half joking with me. I remembered the day she left, it was always in the back of my mind, in a dark dusty corner that I hate venturing to. I shivered involuntarily.

"Yeah, that was a bad time." I admitted, scratching the back of my neck a little sheepishly. A memory of it surfaced and I let out a small sad smile. I then looked at Anna with a sly smirk.

"Do you want to know something your mother doesn't know, mostly because I don't want her to feel horrible about it, but there's something she doesn't know about the time it ended." Anna perked up.

"Ooo, juicy gossip, my favourite." I rolled my eyes, before taking a seat on the side of the bath next to her.

"Well, she obviously told you everythibg that went down I guess, but want to hear my side of the breakup?" I asked her, giving her a sideways glance.

"These story times are great distractions, so hell yeah I do." I grinned, placing an arm over her shoulder, before looking nostalgically at the roof.

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