"Are you okay, Maya?"

I couldn't help myself from letting a single tear roll down my cheek. He enveloped me in a hug, and I let more and more tears fall from my eyes until I was silently sobbing into his shoulder. He just held me, and I had to admit that it felt nice. It felt nice to be cared about. I continued crying into his shoulder, hugging him tighter. He pulled me into his lap kissed the top of my head, causing me to blush underneath the waterfall of tears currently flowing down my cheeks.

"Maya?" He asked quietly.

"Y-Yeah?" I managed to hiccup out.

"You seemed so confident in how you were talking to him until he walked out the door. Then you started getting teary-eyed. What happened that caused you to change your mood so quickly? That is, if you don't mind me asking."

"Of c-course I don't. I-it's just that I s-saw the look in his eyes. He- well, he started to t-tear up, and he n-never cries, and knowing that I am the one who c-caused him to do so upsets me. He is l-like my second father, well he technically is, b-but we are really close. A-and knowing all the b-bad things that have happened in his life, I can't help but f-feel bad for causing y-yet another problem. That's all I've done, ever since we met. I've just b-been causing problems the whole time."

He seemed to be silent after that, and my sobs slowly died down to rapid hiccuping.

"You know," he said, breaking the silence. "I thought that you were like all the other typical girls who like Starbucks and shopping when I first met you. But in these few days that I've spent with you, I have realized that you are so much more than that. You are strong inside and out, you are absolutely beautiful, you're super funny and sarcastic, and you even like video games."

"You know, I still like to go to Starbucks and go shopping. After all, I am still a teenage girl. But, that just isn't always the number one thing I like to talk about."

"You're perfect."

"That's a lie. My dad left my mom before I could even remember, my mom is constantly working extra shifts at the diner just to be able to keep a roof over our heads, Shawn is constantly traveling so he can help my mom and I out with paying for rent since we moved into a slightly bigger apartment since the old one was far too small for three people to be living in, and I spend a majority of my time at the Matthews. My life is a mess, Gabe."

"You may have had your problems in the past, but now I'm here. I'm here for you, Maya."

"I know you are."

I laid my head on his chest gently and smiled.

He's changing me.

And I like it.

****Riley's P.O.V.****

"I am not!" I laughed, taking a sip of my root beer.

"Come on, Riles. Everyone knows you're pretty much the clumsiest person ever."

"Oh just shut up already, Mr. Perfect."

"Geez, and I thought you liked me."

"I did. Until you called me clumsy."

"Well that's a shame."

"Indeed it is, Mr. Friar. Indeed it is."

"You know something?"

"What might that 'something' be?"

"You never gave me that tour around the house like you said you would."

"Well, to be honest, I don't exactly know where anything is around here either. But, I guess I can just go around and give it my best guess if you really want to do a tour with me."

Girl Meets Charlie (GMW & GLC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon