Promise to never leave

Start from the beginning

" I don't know it depends if tyler wants'. " you do look alot like me" colton said to kevin. " I'll be right back" you said going to find tyler. You walk outside near the pen's bus when marc-andre fleury stops you " Honey , i dont think you want to see tyler' he said as tyler appeared making out with another women.

" Thanks flowe you said" turning to leave " Honey come here" he said giving you a giant hug " tell the boys i said bye and good luck with the rest of the season" you said walking back inside the arena towards the boys once agin. " It look's like tyler's out of the picture, but me and colton would love to join".

Minutes later you all were inside the little bar ordering food when colton pulled on your hand" Bathroom momma' he said as you lifted him out of the highchair. You bump into kevin on the way to the bathroom. He look's at you " I wanna talk to you after' he said walking back to the table. Minutes later you and colton join the guy's. Your cutting up coltons food when kevin ask's you to step outside for a moment. You leave colton with alex and ryan as you step outside. " Is he mine" kevin said pinning you aginst the wall. " Yes, i was going to tell you earier but i didnt have time". He smirked at you " Ohh, when's his birthday" he asked spreading your legs fitting between them. " December nineteenth" He nodd's his head as he lift's your shirt up. " No stretch marks" he said tracing a hand down your stomach,

" no, i didn't even show, i had no clue i was going to give birth".  Standing outside to talk for a while longer about the last  years you have learned about his ups and downs . He learned about your first days of being a new mom and the truth that you were scared to tell him about Colton . After you finished you went back inside where colton was sleeping on uncle ryan's lap. " did you two get lost" alex said watching you blush. " we made up for lost time' kevin said. ' come on boy's let's go home" you said leaving with colton and kevin.

Nine months later you waddled around kevin's house as colton was fast asleep. The canucks have just finished a ten game road streak when you walked into the master bathroom. You turn on the water letting it run for a few minutes as you undressed looking at your self in the full length mirror. You were three week's over due , the due date was the day the nucks were leaving for their road trip. Tracing a hand over your stomach the baby kicked you gasped as it did it again a little harder. Thinking noting about it you climbed into the shower standing under the water. Moment's later you sat down gently as you felt the baby shifting lower. Taking a deep breath you placed your hands on your knees moving them as far as you could. Leaning back against the back of the tub you watched as your stomach moved like ocean tides. Suddenly the front door opened as you cried out kevins name he came running up the stairs.

He opened the bathroom door " Honey, i don't want to go to the hospital it;s almost here" you said as he sat next to the tub. " alright , i'll call the mid wife" he said grabbing his phone" when did the contractions start"he asked " about ten minutes ago". " has your water broke" he asked getting nervous " No, ". He hung up with the mid wife " she'll be here in half and hour". He reached for your hand " she said to walk around that might brake it" he said helping you up". He lead you out to the bedroom where you had a ball and inflatable pool with water inside of it. " I'm glad your hear for this one" you said as you paced.

" me too" he said getting changed. You walk around for a bit longer as the contractions come and go .

" sit for a minute" kevin said watching you ' no"you said stopping for a minute " it's not working" you said as kevin watched you " try the ball" sighing you sit on the ball letting your head drop to your chest breathing slowly. " can i bounce on it" ' lightly' he said laying down. " come here' you said as he wrapped his arms around you.  Rocking back and forth as he rubs your back. " ahh finally' you said moving to the pool. Sitting inside you got on your hands and knees as you felt a burning sensation . You pushed hard moments later a head appeared you squatted feeling the baby slip out. Moments  later you felt the urge again as the mid wife came it letting kevin cut your cord. " It's a girl " the mid wife said cleaning her up as you pushed again " kev" you called as you noticed feet instead of a head " It's breach we'll have to turn it" the mid wife said helping you. Ten minutes later another cry filled the room. " It's a boy' kevin sat down next to the pool crying . " It's alright kevin' you said giving him a hug ' marry me" he said trying not to hyperventilate. " Of course, I wont run away this time' He smiled kissing you as he held his new daughter and son, " Lilly Rose and KJ" .

Year's later after the canucks won the stanley cup. All three kid's were in some way involved with hockey colton and Kj were entering their third year of the nhl, lilly was a trainer with the pens,.

Kevin retired from the canucks a year after the canucks won the cup. Little Victoria burrow's was expecting her and coltons first baby in the fall. Lilly was heavenly over due with her and ryker's

son's. Of course alex and ryan were around always around you nancy and andrea were excited over the new grand babies that were due any day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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