❁1❁ "Lost Boy" & "Heartbreak Girl"

Start from the beginning

They continued with other words in this weird accent that sounds fake to me.

I looked around trying to find the source of the vocal sound. My eyes eventually dawn on three boys, each holding objects round at the base and a much thinner neck. One boy wasn't moving his fingers on those objects but was sitting on a box-like object, hitting it with his hands to create a beat.

I just couldn't understand why they are strumming and hitting these things and why all these people were outside at the same time. This must be a rich town, because no one where I'm from has enough money to buy outside time and just waste it like this.

I found myself drawn to the boys and found myself right next to them.

"Hello," two of the boys said in perfect sync. "Hey there" the remaining boy said.

"Umm, Hi?" I said, narrowing my eyes, unsure of how to reply because I rarely ever talk. It's not like I have any one to talk to.

"You a fan?" the boy on the 'box' and with very curly hair asked.

"No sorry," I said, confused at why he even would ask me that. I'm obviously a person... this idiot.

"Do you watch YouTube?" the boy with the darkest hair wondered.

"Excuse me?" Was that supposed to be offensive? Because it sounds offensive.

"YouTube," he deadpanned. What kind of sick joke is this place?

"What the hell is YouTube?" I questioned.

"You know that website with videos...?" he tried to explain and looked a bit... amused?

"Nope; never heard of it." I shook my head. The boy with blonde hair and a fringe looks at me like I committed some crime. He gasped dramatically. "How have you never heard of YouTube? Even my grandma knows what it is. When's the last time you looked on the internet? Have you been living under a rock?" the dark haired boy asks. I furrowed my eyebrows, even more confused. Tf was the internet?

"What's the internet?"

All the boys busted out laughing. Well, I'd call them giggles to be honest.

"You're a really good actor and all, but seriously the dumb card?" the black haired boy began but I cut him off as my cheeks flushed red. "I-I'm serious."

"What do you live under a rock or something?" The curly haired boy chuckled. I blushed even more.

"I don't get out much. I don't have enough money."

"Sure, sure," the dark-haired boy started, bubbling another laugh, "Well... I'm Calum," he explained.

"Michael," said the blond with a fringe. "MY NAME IS ASHTON," the boy with curly hair pumps his fist in the air. What a dork. The boys looked at me expectantly and Calum asked, "So what's your name?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. What's name mean? Is it some sort of label?

"What. Is. Your. Name." He spoke slowly, as if I couldn't understand because he spoke too fast.

"I still don't understand. Look I'm not from this place and I don't get your terminology."

"Dude just tell us your name," the one whom called himself Michael said.

"I-I don't have one?"

"What do people call you then?" Calum tried.

"I told you I don't have one."

"Okay then, well where to you live?"

"In a small flat in the alley on A-l-f Street."

"Is that in America or something?" Luke asked. "America? I live in Unit 1805. And what about you?"

writer (c.a.l.m 5sos ot4) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now