Everyday Chaos

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It was a beautiful day in ponyville(thanks to the well know weather pegasi Rainbow Dash). Discord was doing his daily planning if Chaos. Discord's day consulted of helping Princess Celestia, a stroll through town and a nice tea party with fluttershy. The day seemed to go by fast for Discord, he realized he still had time for his daily havoc.

What will today's chaos be........ Mulit-colored apples and Sweet Apple Acres??? Oh my, the way Apple Jack's face turns as red as a red delicious apple brightens my day. Or shall I make it rain chocolate milk??? Pinkie would absolutely ADORE the treat, as for Rainbow Dash and I would laugh in the skies as ponies flee throughout ponyville. As he thought he gave a miniacle chuckle.

With the image of chocolate pouring from the skies, ponies running through ponyville, pinkie frolicking around drinking puddles and eating cotton candy clouds, with him and Dash laughing in the sky, he headed to the town square. There stood a tall, beautiful statue of Princess Celestia. Beautiful.........just like the princess herself. He blushed at the sudden thought of the princess.

"DISCORD!!!!!!! DIIIIIIIIIISSSS-COOOOOOOOORRD!!!!!" Discord quickly pushed away the thought and tried to hide his flushed face as he turned to see who called. There, prancing gleefully towards him was the one and only pink, party pony, Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Pinkie!!!" Discord greeted. What a cute little pink, fluffy maned, pony..... Wait what??? What's going on with me today? Discord asked himself.

"Planning your daily chaos?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh my Pinkie. You know me so well." He stated proudly. "But it seems I can't decide whether to terrorize Sweet Apple Acres or if I want to-"

"MAKE IT RAIN CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!!!!!" The pink pony interrupted him in a squeak.

"You know I was just about to say that." Discord said with glee. "Would you mind helping me???"

"OF COURSE!!!! ILL GO GET THE SILLY STRAWS!!!!" And with that the pink earth pony dashed into Sugarcube corner.

So  full of energy........simply adorable. Discord thought. Why am I feeling this way towards Pinkie???

"Where's that blue pegasus Rainbow Dash????"

Then, as if on cue, the pegasus sped passed Discord in a blur of color. The pegasus then shot straight up into the air leaving a technicolor streak behind her. She zipped high into he sky, she then went limp and was free falling from 1500 feet above ponyville!!!! She was almost at the ground when she extended her wings and flicked up in the opposite angle of which she freefalled. She then embedded her signature in the sky.

Discord marveled at the stunt.

"You needed me Lord of chaos???" The flighted pony asked. Discord loved it when she called him Lord of Chaos. "What'd you think??? I'm working on new stunts to perform at the Junior Speedster Flying Competition."

"I absolutely ADORE it!!!!!" Discord exclaimed. "Let's just hope that unicorn Rarity doesn't interfere this time with that, oh what's it called, OH!!! That magic wings spell twilight used"

"WHY I OUTTA MAKE A CHAOTIC FABRIC OUT OF YOU, YOU SON OF A-" Discord quickly snapped his talon and a zipper appeared on Rarity's mouth zipping up when he slid his finger across the air.

"MMMMMHHHMHMMHHHHPPPP!!!!" Rarity panicked.

Glorious chaos. Discord thought to himself as Rarity ran to twilight's tree-castle. He became suddenly irritated but was soon relieved as he saw Dash on the ground laughing her flank off. He himself then started to laugh as well.

"Hey Dash."

"Yeah Discord?"

"Care to lend me a few clouds???"

"What for???"

"I'm giving pinkie a surprise."

"Chocolate rain???"

"Eeyup" Discord said in his vest big Mac impression.

The pegasus zipped up into the sky to gather the clouds. The pegasus came back 10 seconds later with a bundle of clouds. "One package of freshly caught clouds for a mischievous lord." Discord loved that word... Mischievous.

Then with the snap of a talon the fluffy white clouds turned into a nice bright cotton candy pink. "LET THE CHAOS BEGIN!!!" And with that the candy colored clouds drenched ponyville in chocolate milk.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" The squeal came from a petite little, pink earth pony whom had a hairful of straws. She pulled one out and started drinking a puddle beneath her hooves.

"DIIIIIIIISSSSS---COOOOOOORD!!!!!!!" Hollered a powerful voice from the skies as Princess Luna descended down to the ground. Infuriated Luna approached Discord stomping her hooves in the chocolatey mud. "YOU HAVE DISRUPTED THE RESIDENTS OF PONYVILLE ONCE MORE!!!!!!!" Luna stated

"You don't have to get loud with me your heiness. Maybe if you 'high and mighty' ponies would respect my power I wouldn't feel the need to reeck havoc to catch the attention of the princess." Discord stated in a matter-of-fact tone. He was getting irritated at the fact that nopony treats him with care.....except for fluttershy of course.

With that the Princess of the Night flew away into the skies.

As the ponies fled in fear of the chocolate rain and pinkie slurped from the chocolate puddles, Discord and Rainbow Dash enjoyed a conversation of how cute Pinkie is.

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