Kenadee Lucker

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Jolie's POV

She's a little woman now. Kena is already playing guitar and sings beautifully. Too bad that her father isn't here to see everything that Kena is doing for him. It's been 11 years since his death. I miss him so bad. "Mom." someone calls out. I look behind me and see Kena. "Why dear?" I ask trying to show that I was not thinking about something. "Deep thoughts?" she asks. "Not really. Do you want some snack?" I say. She nods yes and takes a biscuit. She shoves it into her mouth and smiles at me. I smile back. "Ma, I wrote a new song. Would you like to hear it?" she suggest. "Sure." was all I can say. She started writing songs ever since she was 13. She's 16 now and has beautiful blonde hair, curvy hips, full lips and the eyes of her father. She looks a lot like Mitch. She's the closest I have to him. We sat down in her room and she started playing the guitar. She's very talented. We all know where she got that. She started singing about her father and I couldn't help but shed tears. She finished the song with the words "Come back because I need you here." Those last words made her. I held her tight. We cried for minutes and stopped when she needed to breathe. "That was beautiful, Kena." I complimented. "Thanks ma." she answered. We got out of her room to continue what we were doing. She was writing and I was taking care of the dogs. At least Parker lives a long life. Parker barely even moves now. Kena takes it to walking every morning and comes back dirty all the time. I don't even know why. But at least it takes things out of Kena's mind. She's been spacing out lately probably thinking about her father. She misses him so much. I couldn't blame her. It's her father we're talking about. I put some kibbles on Parker's dog bowl and fed him lots. I also gave him water since he was panting like he was so tired. Mitch took care Parker like it was his own son. Parker misses Mitch too. 

Kena's POV

I miss dad so much. He used to wake up in the middle of the night just to put me back to sleep. Making that song freed my feelings. They're too many to be honest. It's a good thing mom likes it. Mom is feeding Parker some kibbles and Parker eats them with no hesitation. Parker is bigger than I expected him to be. Like not just big, he is HUGE. I take him to walks in the morning and he just drags me to the playground. We end up having dirt all over us. Parker is like my playmate. Mom always told me that when I was a kid. "Dear?" Mom called out. "Yep?" I called back. "Get ready we're going somewhere. Bring your guitar, okay?" I stood up and went to shower. I took like 20 minutes because I sang in the shower. Typical teen stuff, right? I put on my Dad's memorial shirt and some skinny jeans. I brushed my hair back and put on a clip. I got my guitar and went out of the room. Mom was waiting for me in the living room. "Are you ready?" she asked. I nodded. We went inside the car and Mom started driving to somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." she answered. Mom now gained my curiosity. I looked at the mirror and fixed my hair a little bit. Mom kept on driving until she turned to a familiar road. Yep. Dad's grave. "Ready?" Mom asked. "What are we doing here, Mom?" I asked her curiously. "Well. Your dad needs to hear your song." I was speechless. We got out of the car and went straight to my Dad's grave. Seeing it brings back lots of memories. We sat down on the grass and I stared at his name. Mitchell Adam Lucker 1984- 2012. I cringed. "Are you okay, Kena?" Mom asks. I nodded. Outside I was. Inside I was nervous. What if Dad doesn't like it? I looked at Mom and she signaled for me to start. I took a deep breath and started strumming my guitar. I closed my eyes and let my mind lead me to where it wants me to go. I started singing and I could feel people crowding around me. I didn't want to open my eyes until I was finished. I finished the song and I opened my eyes. I looked and I saw hundreds of people staring at me with tears on their eyes. They clapped. I am so overwhelmed. I looked at my Mom and shed tears. She hugged me and whispered "That was amazing." I cried a few more until I couldn't breathe no more. I looked at the people around us and they were shouting that it was amazing. So this is how it feels to have people cheer for you afterwards. Now I know why Dad loves performing even if he has Social Anxiety. It just feels... amazing. Fantastic. Unbelievable. Words cannot descibe how good it feels. I look at the sky and chant the last words to my song. "Come back because I need you here..."

Kenadee LuckerWhere stories live. Discover now