(Dialogue in video is in italics)

"So. Why did you come to us?"

"Well...um...my boyfriend and I got into...a little fight, and I was just going to get sent back home if I stayed with friends, so I was hoping that you would let me stay.....here."

" No going back now. Not that you could. As soon as you walk into my house-- no-- any room I'm in, I own you. Everything about you. I OWN. You got that?"


As soon as Wyatt's face came into the frame, I knew for sure that it was him. At first I was about to just take the CD out, crack it, and send it back; but when that guy called Wyatt 'his property', I grew furious. I was mad at him, yes, but I still love him. I returned my attention back to the TV screen.

It was just a black screen, but I could hear Wyatt yelling 'NOOO I DON'T WANT THIS!!! PLEASE STOP THIS!!' in the background, accompanied by the sound of metal clinking together.

The cover on the camera lifted showing the guys face up close.

"Now now, hmm, David. Don't run away or turn this off or you'll never understand the greatness of your boyfriends asshole. HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

My heart clenched. If this is what I think it is...

"Hey boys! Our plaything is here! You know, from all those parties?"

About 4 other guys came out of nowhere and started smiling at Wy. The first douchebag moved out of my viewing point to reveal a naked chained up and gagged Wyatt. There was tears streaming down his face. Muffled, I could hear him scream out my name.


I sat there, shocked out of my mind. Was it because I am rich? Who knows. I did what they asked, I watched each disk. But I wasn't really watching. My eyes were glossed over with tears. I noticed that that the videos were hours long sped up and different men kept on arriving. Each day. I realized this by the third CD.

I was crying profusely, just letting them flow down by the 5th video. The 5 men who were on top of Wyatt dropped him roughly after defiling him.

"Hey. Looks like you have a caring boyfriend. IF he watched this far. I think you had enough, you aren't fighting back that much anymore. I'm dropping him off at First and Amistad.

My ears perked up to this. I can get him back? I can get him back! I jumped up but stood standing, watching for anything else. Which is good cause my baby was trying to talk. He snorted and spat to the side a glob of really creamy saliva. I cringed, but listened intently.

" David, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I lied to you baby. Yes what you just watched is what happened at the parties. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I would love to see you and hold you and smell you and hear your voice, but I'm not worthy enough. So, no more parties. I love you."

"Oh shut up you piece of shit. Stop your whining." The video cut off.

I quickly went up stairs and got dressed after safely packing up the videos. Grabbing my keys I locked the house and ran to my car. Revving up the engine I sped to First and Amistad; probably breaking some laws. But none of that mattered anymore.

I was going to get my baby no matter what.

Swerving around I saw my baby standing right under the sign. I parked haphazardly and jumped out running to him. Seeing me, Wy ran toward me and we hugged in the middle of the seemingly empty street.

No More Parties (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now