|Salvation Came With Death|

Start from the beginning

I found my mom sitting in the waiting area, my dad was holding her hand and whiping her tears, she saw me and stood up and hugged me. "What happened mom?" she sat down and I sat down next to her, she sniffled a bit. "Remenber how Amanda was missing?" I nodded my head.."Well Sam had kidnapped her..we don't know exactly what happened, except that Robert found her and tried to save her and she was shot twice...once in the left foot and one in the side barerly missing a rib in her rib cage. She's in surgery so that they can remove the bullet." Tears started roll down my cheek.."She's going to be okay right?" I asked with hope in my voice..my mom nodded and smiled a bit, "The doctors said she lost alot of blood but that she will recover." I smiled and gave her a hug. As I leaned back I looked at her, "Did you see where Robert went?" I nodded, "Yea he walked out of the hospital and walked right into the street like some crazy person..I almost hit him with my car.. I went over and asked him about Amanda and he just looked at me and cried..he looked pretty messed up. Then I came here." She shook her head.."Oh no...the nurse had brought us into this private room to explain everything and tell us that Amanda had suffered a miscarriage..but he left to soon and didn"t hear everything..He thinks Amanda died." I looked at her with shock, "What? Amanda was pregnant!" She nodded.."I didn't know either...the nurse told us that Amanda was 3 months already...I can't believe she didn't tell us." My anger started to rise, "I can't believe that pedophile did that to her..she's only 18! How could he get her pregnant!" My mom stayed quiet and some more tears fell...I got up quickly to go find Robert and tell him what he had done.


*Robert's POV*

I couldn't produce anymore tears..I just sat there motionless, when I noticed Charlie walking towards me..he looked pissed...and I didn't need to deal with him..not now. "Hey asshole.." I held up my hand to stop him from talking, I got up and started walking across the park behind me.."Hey I'm talking to you!" he yelled while grabbing my shoulder. I spun around and grabbed him by the top of his shirt, almost lifting him off the ground.."Leave me the fuck alone alright!" he pushed me off him and shoved me...I was ready to just take my anger out on him.."If you wouldn't of left, you would have found out that Amanda isn't dead!" I looked at him..."What do you mean?".."The nurse said that they weren't able to save the baby because of her gun shot wound, they are doing surgery and Amanda will recover."..."What? What do you mean baby?"..."Amanda was 3 months pregnant." he said while looking at me with anger.. I was shocked..I was happy that she was alive..but I had no idea she was pregnant. I stepped forward to go back to the hospital but as I brushed past him he grabbed my arm, "Woah woah woah, Just because she is alive...doesn't mean everything is okay.." I looked at him confused.."You are gonna stay away from my sister. She's 18 and you knocked her up...you could have ruined her life." I looked at him with disbelief, I took a step closer and we were face to face.. "I don't give a fuck what you say or think, It's Amanda's choice to see me ..not your's, everything that has happened doesn't change my relationship with her..I love her and she loves me, I'm going no where...and ya know what? I've been a nice guy to you even though you've been a dick to me..but I kept quiet because I love and respect Amanda..so that means I respect her family too..If you think you can keep me away from her then you can go fuck yourself." He didn't say anything...I turned around and walked away.."Hey Robert!" I turned around to see Charlie standing where I left him.."Don't be to confident...I know my sister." I smirked and shook my head, I didn't even bother saying anything back to him..he doesn't know shit.

I walked back into the hospital and as I walked to the waiting room it hit me...I could have finally been a father...I don't know what the baby was going to be but Amanda and I were going to have a family, and all of that was ruined because of Sam..I wonder if Amanda knew...she said she had been gaining weight and had been going to the gym again..but I don't think she would hide that from me, I didn't want to cry again so I regathered myself and kept on walking to the waiting room. I ended up seeing Ivy and Josh by the cafeteria..I walked over to them, Ivy walked over and looked at me.."What happened? Is she going to be okay?" I nodded and smiled.."Yea she's in surgery right now, they are removing the bullet.." She smiled and looked at Josh and back to me.."Thank god...are you okay? I think you should get looked at Robert." I nodded, "I'm fine, just need to get cleaned up." We stood there in silence for a bit, "Well I'm gonna go find her parents." Ivy nodded and I walked away...I decided not to tell them about Amanda losing the baby..I didn't know if she wanted them to know.

I found her parent's sitting together...I was a bit hesitant to go up to them...I wasn't sure how they felt about me impregnating their daughter. I sat down and Kathy turned to me...I looked at my hands and then to her, I knew she was waiting for me to speak..I cleared.my throat "Listen, I know that um Amanda is young..and that we probably should have been more sa-" she cut me off and waved her hand, "Robert...I'm just glad she's alive and will be okay...Yes, Amanda is young..and Yes, you should probably keep it in your pants more often." She raised an eyebrow at me and I looked away and blushed, "But...it's Amanda's life...and as long as she is happy I am happy, she makes her own choices..so am I mad about her almost having a baby? No..not really..it was her choice to be with you..just, be more careful...ok? I don't want her to get hurt." I nodded and grabbed her hand, "I know..I will...I just don't know how she's going to cope with all this, and losing the baby." She noodded.."Things will be alright." I looked at her and smiled, her father was a different story.. I had avoided eye contact with him, because...well, dad's usually get upset when their young daughter gets pregnant...so I could only imagine how he was feeling about everything since I am 44. Kathy left to get coffee and he looked at me.."Robert.." I looked at him...I swear to god I felt like a 15 year old boy who was about to face the wrath of a girls angry father, but I was wrong. "As Kathy said..what Amanda does is her business..but I don't think less of you..and I'm glad you were there to help Amanda...if it weren't for you..I don't know if she would have made it out alive." He frowned a bit and then looked at me, "Thank you...for finding her and killing that son of a bitch." I nodded and gave him a small smile, he got up to go to Kathy, "Oh and Robert.." I looked at him, "Yea?" .."Call me Tom" I smiled and nodded, he walked away.

I sat there quietly..waiting for anyone to come out of Amanda's room and tell me the progress, or if I could see her yet. I got up and looked through the window of her room, as I stood there with my hands in my pockets watching as the doctors worked on her with a small mask over her mouth and nose to keep her asleep, I thought of everything we had been through..and I how lucky I was to have her...little did I know that she wasn't going to feel the same.

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