Chapter 9: Unbreakable Love

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Jack's POV

We heard Jamie recite a bible verse and I realized that was one of Pitch's weaknesses. A bright light shined and we heard screaming, but I noticed it was Pitch. Once it died down, we saw Jamie, bleeding in the stomach and unconscious. She fell, but I caught her in the nick of time. My eyes were filled with tears.

"Jamie, please don't leave me," I cried.

"Me? Leave you? I wouldn't dream of it," she said, managing to smile.

"We have to get her back to the pole," North replied.

He threw a snow globe and we ended up at the North Pole. The yetis took Jamie from me and put her in a room that was reserved just for her. They had to fix her stomach because of how bad Pitch damaged it. Bunny said that it'll be a few hours until Jamie will be seeing any visitors.

"Okay. Then I'll stay until then. I want to be there for her," I told him.

He told the others so they went back to their jobs. I stayed by her door, but dozed off. I woke up from Phil shaking me. He motioned for me to go in. When I did, Jamie had an IV in her arm and a big bandage on her stomach. She was still asleep. I sat beside her and held her hand.

"Jamie, please wake up. I want to hear your voice, your laugh, everything about you. I love you so much. I have since the day you were born. I just wanted to wait until I knew we were both ready to know our feelings for each other. Please," I replied.

Then I heard a familiar voice.

"I love you too," it said.


Jamie's POV

I woke up slowly to Jack's voice. I heard that he loves me and that he has since the day I was born. I smiled so big.

"I love you too," I said weakly.

He looked up and smiled. That always made me feel good.

"Jamie! You're okay!" he hugged me so tight that it hurt because of my stomach. But it was a good pain. His cold skin numbed the pain a lot. And yes, we were that close.

"Hey. I was hoping I'd see you soon," I smiled.

"Yeah. You were in here for a few hours. But I stayed until the yetis told me I could come in," he replied.

"Aww. You're the sweetest ever," I flirted then added, "And can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, anything," he said.

"Well, when I told you about how I became a guardian, I left out a major detail. In the process of it all, I thought of you and our love for each other. That's why I became Cupid," I explained.

His face practically lit up when I said that.

"You make me the happiest girl in the world, Jack. You've watched over me my whole life, you know everything about me, and because of you, I'm an official guardian," I smiled.

"Did you take the oath?" he asked me.

"No," I replied.

"Well, you have to do that to make it official. And with that being said," he said as he brought a ring that had a snowflake on it and added, "Jamie, or Cupid, will you marry me?"

I started crying tears of joy. I kissed him to answer. But I decided to say "yes" anyway. He put the ring on my finger and we continued to kiss.

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