Chapter 8: Revenge is Sweet

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Jack's POV

I woke up to see that I was in Pitch's lair. I was tied up with black sand and I couldn't move. I tried to freeze it, but it wouldn't freeze. I looked around for my staff.

"Looking for something?" I heard an evil voice say.

Pitch appeared right in front of me.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"Why, to strike fear into Jamie's life. And I mean your lover," Pitch said.

"Well, you're not going to do anything to her. She's a lot stronger than you think," I defended.

Then the guardians came out no where and started fighting Pitch off. As they did, I tried to slip free of the black sand. But whenever I got free of one layer, another layer formed. When I looked back up, the others were weakened. Pitch kept coming towards me with a sword made out of black sand. I knew what he was going to try to do.

"After you're dead, Jamie will definitely not want to be a guardian," he smirked.

He raised the sword so he could impale me. But he stopped when we all heard a female voice.

"You son of a Pitch," it said.

I couldn't help but laugh at the way she used his name. Then I looked behind him and he turned around. We saw Jamie, but she looked different. She had white skinny jeans, pink crop top and converse, red and curly hair, a red bow with rhinestones and heart-shaped arrows, and angel wings. She was breath-taking. Pitch didn't seem to recognize her.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"What? You don't recognize me? The girl who used to be terrified of you because you were too afraid of me becoming a guardian and kicking your butt?!?" she yelled.

"Uh-oh," was all he could say.

Jamie shot an arrow at his leg. While he held his leg, she flew at him with full force and tackled him to the ground. She started punching him in the face until she was certain that he was knocked out. She got up and headed towards me. She kissed me before she helped me out.


Jamie's POV

"Are you okay?" I asked Jack after I freed him.

"Yeah. And wow. How did this happen?" he said, gesturing towards my new self.

"Well, after you were kidnapped and the others went after you, I saw Manny. I got mad and blamed him for what happened to you because Pitch was after me. I sang "Human" trying to prove my point. But all I did was prove his. So here I am," I explained.

"It's definitely a good look," I heard Tooth say.

"Yeah. I like it, mate," Bunny said.

"Let's just hope that what you did will provide us enough time to keep him down here for a long time," North replied.

Sandy gestured a flag to warn us. We turned around and saw Pitch get up, fly for thrust, and attempted to stab Jack in the stomach. I jumped in the way and I was stabbed.

"No!" Jack yelled.

Pitch started twisting the knife, which made it excruciatingly more painful than the stab itself. I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming.

"At least I won't have to worry about you getting in my way anymore," Pitch smirked.

I took of my arrows and recited one of my favorite bible verses.

"'There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.' 1 John 4:18!" I shouted and stabbed Pitch in the heart.

I added more power which caused a miniature explosion. After that, Pitch disappeared and I blacked out.

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