Chapter 2

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      The noise of approval and applause rang through the showcase as Hiro finished his presentation. He bowed to the audience, along with his giant display of microbots, and people began to whistle and cheer. You clapped your hands excitedly, whisper-shouting Hiro's name. Honey Lemon and Wasabi were giving high fives to the surrounding viewers, and Fred was screaming in excitement. Gogo blew a big, fat, pink bubble and clapped her hands. You peeked to your left, finding Professor Callaghan's expression praising.

     You ran behind the stage as your boyfriend hopped down. You were the first to reach him, as you embraced him warmly and mouthed congratulations to him. He held you tight around his waist and sighed in joy. You could feel his grin against your neck.

     Tadashi and the rest of the gang followed you, running to Hiro and engulfing the two of you in a group hug. Cass was screaming to the people beside her, saying, "I love my family!!" Tadashi and Hiro completed their ritual handshake.

     "They loved you," she said, grabbing Hiro by the shoulders, "You were amazing!"

     "Thanks," said a now shy Hiro. You smiled at his flaming cheeks, wishing you could be half as smart as your scientist, your Hiro.


     You jumped at the unfamiliar voice behind you, and turned to see none other than Alistair Krei. The Alistair Krei.

     Your lungs reacted to this appearance of a billionaire by taking in staggered breaths. He was rubbing his hands together, with his secretary by his side. His hair was slicked back in a neat way, and his face was planning for negotiation.

     He walked towards Hiro, with a confident grin plastered on his face. "With some development, your microbots could be a useful source of technology for KreiTech. May I?" He pointed to the small microbot in Hiro's hand.

     Hiro gasped. "You want my microbots in your construction?!" he exclaimed, handing the tiny mechanism to Krei as a slow smile crept up onto his face. Tadashi stepped back and glowered at Krei.

     "Indeed, I do." Krei said with a smirk.

     Professor Callaghan suddenly walked up beside Krei, his arms folded over his chest. "Mr. Krei is right, Hiro. Your microbots are an inspiring technology. You can continue developing them," he sent a quick glare to Krei, "or you can sell them to a man who is guided by his own self-interest."

     Krei sighed. "I understand how you feel about me, Robert, but this shouldn't interfere-"

     "The decision is yours, Hiro. But you should know that Krei has cut corners and ignored safe science to get where he is." The professor said sternly.

     "This is not true!" said Krei, chuckling slightly. "I trust in your microbots for my construction." he then smirked. "Hiro, I'm offering you more money than you could imagine."

     There was a brief pause in the conversation. Hiro was looking at Krei, his eyes wide with the thought of being able to pay off his Aunt's debts, not to include the end of bot fighting. You saw the anxiety on his face with the decision before him, as his gaze flickered between Krei and Callaghan. Tadashi was looking at him from behind, with a worried expression. You walked closer to Hiro, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

     Hiro looked at you, torn out of his thoughts by your sudden touch. You ran your fingers along his jawline. Do what you think is right.

     He looked at you, with a warm, thankful smile, his eyes glistening. Your heart melted at the sight of his chocolate-brown irides*, seemingly boring into your soul and radiating a warmth that could only be felt by his gaze. You smiled at him and sighed softly, before backing up, reluctant to let him give his decision.

     "I appreciate the offer, Krei," he turned back to the billionaire, "but my microbots are not for sale."

     Krei faltered. "I thought... you were smarter than that." his look turned from a weak smile to a dissatisfied stare. He turned to walk away from the group, bidding a single goodbye to Callaghan. "Robert..." he said. He turned sharply on his heels, with his secretary close behind him, glaring at you all.

     You held your breath. Even when Krei was flustered, he could still make a proper, graceful exit.

     Suddenly, you realized that he still had Hiro's microbot. Krei! you whisper-shouted (sometimes you were oblivious to the fact that you were mute, forgetting that Hiro was the only one who would listen closely for your whispers). You began to walk after him, snapping your fingers impatiently, when Tadashi carefully held you back.

     "That's my brother's." he stated firmly.

     Krei turned around, a smile forming on his lips. "Oh, right. I almost forgot." He pulled the tiny robot from his pocket and tossed it towards Hiro, before turning back and walking away.

     Once Krei was out of sight, the tension in the air began to fade. Hiro's shoulders slumped; Tadashi was looking at him with approval on his face. Callaghan washed off his grimace, turning towards the genius.

     "I look forward to seeing you in my classes." he stated, handing a small envelop to Hiro. He smiled and greeted Tadashi goodbye, before disappearing into the crowd.

     Hiro laughed. "No way! I made it!" he exclaimed. Once again, everyone surrounded him with hugs and cheered. You stood back and smiled, wondering how you ever crossed paths with this amazing brainiac of yours.

     He grinned happily at everyone, thanking them for their congratulations. He then looked at you, his eyes setting on the girl - his girl - who changed his life forever, only three months ago. He embraced you in a tight hug, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, whispering softly into his ear. His mop of black hair tickled your eyes, making you giggle in his arms.

     Nothing else could ever ruin this perfect night.   

Hiro X Mute! Reader: Screaming Is UselessWhere stories live. Discover now