Sleep Baby Sleep

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Chapter Eight: Sleep Baby Sleep- The Broods

Louis' POV

I watched as the rising sun cast shadows across the bare back of the sleeping boy besides me. I felt the warmth of his body as he stirred in his sleep, mumbling out a few incoherent words. His face was relaxed, making him look so young and innocent, his hair falling in soft dark waves across the pillow. Even in his sleep he was perfect. I could definitely get used to waking up to him every morning. With the way he'd gently hold my hand in his while I had my arm wrapped around his waist; he claimed he preferred being little spoon, which was certainly an experience for me considering I was a lot smaller and usually the one filling that place. It was oddly comforting though, holding him close to my chest, watching the rise and fall of his body as his breaths would even out.

It had been three weeks since that day in the park, and Harry and I's relationship had only grown stronger. Everyday I fell deeper and deeper in love with him, and I knew that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I felt as though I had known him all my life, and despite the few months we had known each other I knew I didn't want anyone else; Harry was it. He claimed my heart and there was no turning back.

We didn't make a habit out of sleeping at my apartment, but we were both way too drunk last night and there was no way I was letting Harry drive back to his dorm. We stumbled from the bar down the street back to my apartment, both using one another for support. I had to admit that drunk Harry had a special place in my heart as he clung to my arm and leaned his face into my neck, planting soft kisses against my skin.

"Kiss me you fool" He said laughing, grabbing my face and looking me in the eyes, his own glossy and taunting. I smirked, bringing my lips to his. I didn't expect the kiss to go much further, until I realized Harry had me backed up to the brick wall outside my building. I stood up on my toes, knotting my fingers in his tangled curls, as he tightened his grip on my waist.

I broke away reluctantly,

"Okay, I think it's time for us to go up" I said, though my body was telling me otherwise as Harry ran his tongue along my neck sending chills down my spine. He was such a fucking tease and I loved every part of it. While our physical relationship was quickly heightening, we had yet to have sex. It definitely wasn't without effort or temptations, however. There wasn't a kiss or touch that went by that didn't leave me wanting more. I knew that Harry had never been with a man before, and I didn't want to rush him, though judging by his behavior tonight I don't think he'd mind if I followed through with my thoughts.

"I could take you right here" He growled, making my heart skip a beat. I pulled away to look him in the eyes which were blown out and filled with such lust it sent my heart into a frenzy. I craved to be closer to him and see Harry in his most vulnerable state. I took a deep breath trying to dismiss the thoughts and focus on the very drunk and extremely frisky man in front of me who was attempting to unbutton my pants.

"Where is this coming from? I need to get you drunk more often." I sighed into his neck as his hands traveled lower, gripping me where I needed him most.

"You have no idea how badly I've been wanting you, Lou." His breath hot against my mouth. I returned my lips to his, momentarily losing all reasoning as to why this was not a good idea. I gripped his collar tightly, forcing his forward to deepen the kiss.

"No, no we can't. We're drunk and will regret this tomorrow." I said quickly, pressing my hands against his chest allowing me to see his face fully. I needed to stop before it was too late. There was only so much will power and self control this man could exhibit in one day.

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