Chapter 3

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"Oh no! No one's driving tonight!" Caleb grabs Lucas' keys.

Lucas pouts and looks down at me. He pushes my hair back behind my ear. "Where do you guys live? We'll share a cab."

"University Area. Off Harris." I ignore his hand resting on my shoulder and the slur in my speech.

Lizzy nudges me. "Lightweight."

"Why don't you guys stay at my place?" Caleb eyes my shoulder as he speaks. "It's just around the corner. You can get your car in the morning."

Lizzy and I glance at each other, but Mason is the first to speak. "You sure, man?"

"Yeah, no." Caleb waves his hand and starts walking. "I've got plenty of room."

Lucas' hand glides across my back until his arm is wrapped around me. "Mmm, spending the night on the first date."

I shrug him off and step away. "I don't think my boyfriend would be cool with me staying with two strange guys."

Lucas lets out a low whistle. "Damn! You would come with a challenge, wouldn't you?"

I snort as I pull out my phone. "I better let him know where I am. So he doesn't worry." Or flip his shit.

Lizzy grabs my arm. "Just tell him you're with me at Mason's house." She raises her eyebrows. "No reason to freak him out at this hour."

I know exactly what she means. Connor would drive out here, drunk and high, to get me. Actually, yell at me in if front of everyone is more like it. I listen to the ringing, waiting for him to pick up the other end.

After five rings, he finally picks up. I press the phone tighter to my ear and use my other hand to cover my free ear. Still, I can't hear anything but rustling and mumbling through the phone.

And then I hear a girl's voice, thick with lust as it murmurs, "Connor." My stomach drops as I hear the tell-tale squeaks of ancient bed springs. I scowl, not wanting to hear more but unable to take the phone from my ear.

Lizzy steps toward me, but I hold my hand up and turn away from her. Through the phone I hear more rustling, followed by groans.

"Jesus, baby." Connor's voice is distinct. "That mouth–"

I rip the phone from my ear and hit end, my lips curling in disgust.

"Hannah?" Lizzy grabs my hand. "Hannah? What happened?"

I stare at her as the rage boils up. "That fucking asshole is cheating on me!"

"That prick!" she shrieks, drawing everyone's attention. "Wait, are you sure?"

"Unless he enjoys his own mouth." I glare at the phone, stung more by Connor's lack of respect for me than the thought that he doesn't love me.

Lizzy starts filling in the others. Hearing her say Connor was cheating on me makes my skin crawl. I refuse to look up from my phone.

"Fuck it. I'm calling him back."

Before I can hit the redial button, a hand falls against mine, blocking the screen from my vision. "Hannah?"

Caleb watches me, a mixture of hesitation and something else—happiness?—swimming in his eyes. "Maybe you should wait until you're a bit more sober–"

"He'll just deny it then, but he can't deny it if I catch him in the act, can he?" I pull the phone from under Caleb's hand and hit redial.

The call goes to voicemail. I hang up and dial again. "Dammit," I hiss. Voicemail again. I call once more.

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