Great. Hinata thought as he chugged his beer. Those two are going to run off and have sex while I'm here sulking...

Hinata already felt very drunk.

"Come on, Hinata," Kenma jumped off of Kuroo's lap before the dark haired captain could leave a love bite. "Lets get you home,"

"Kenma!" Kuroo frowned, obviously not pleased with Kenma's actions. Kenma stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend then gave him a small giggle.

"Later, later," Kenma reassured his boyfriend with a peck on the cheek as he helped Hinata toward the door.

Hinata began to cry and Kenma wasn't sure what to do. "W-Why are you crying?!"

"Wah!" Hinata cried even more. "Y-You and K-K-Kuroo are s-s-so cuuuute! Me and K-Kageyama were j-just like that!"

Kenma blinked. "Ah, okay, Hinata..."

Hinata began to stumble down the street as Kenma quickly chased after him. Kuroo followed not far behind as he watched in sheer amusement. Kenma looked even more cute when he was caring for someone. Kuroo could only imagine what he'd be like with kids. Kuroo couldn't help but let out a sqeaul of excitement - which he normally never did. The thought of Kenma with a child, a child which they could raise together, only made Kuroo feel a surge of happiness.

Kenma reluctantly traveled back to Kuroo. "I lost him."

He sounded defeated and Kuroo only chuckled. "Come on, lets get home. I was promised a continuation."


There was a loud pounding at Kageyama's door. He rolled to the side of his bed and glanced at the time. 12:42.

"Who the hell is awake and knocking at my door at this time?!" Kageyama stomped down the stairs and flung the door open. "What the hell do you-"

"Kageyama!" Hinata flung his arms around the dark haired setter and began to nibble on his ear. "I missed you..."

Kageyama suppressed a groan. "H-Hinata?"

"Yes?" Even through the amount of alcohol in his voice the dark haired setter could still pick out the pieces of lust that filled Hinata's voice.

"A-Are you drunk?!"

Hinata let out a laugh and Kageyama felt slightly turned on. "No... Well, maybe."

Kageyama sighed. As much as he wanted to bury his face into Hinata's hair and smell his tropical scent, he knew he couldn't do that, not right now at least.

"Hinata, why are you drunk?" Kageyama led Hinata into his house as Hinata stumbled around, slurring out random incoherent words.

Hinata stared at Kageyama with a look of pity. "What? You really don't know?"

"You got drunk... 'Cause of me?" Kageyama could only stare.

Hinata crashed onto the floor as tears began to flow from his eyes. "Of course."

Hinata then looked up at Kageyama with lust in his eyes. "Now can you come down here and at least cuddle with me?"

Kageyama sighed. That offer was very tempting. "Ah, Hinata, lets just get you to sleep,"

Hinata sat up, gazing at the setter. "But..."

Sighing, Kageyama picked up the small spiker. He carried him bridal style and couldn't help but let out a sigh of content as Hinata began to nuzzle into his chest. Kageyama felt heat rise to his cheeks.

"Come on, lets get you in bed," Kageyama set Hinata on the bed. He wanted Hinata to get some sleep and at least sober up.

"But Kageyama!" Hinata wouldn't let go of Kageyama's shirt. His eyes were glazed over, full of lust. Kageyama blushed. "Won't you just-"

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