Chapter 2 : Prism IX

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Monday, 1:30 am

It was Monday, the time of their first day and Kathryn just got home from a party in Valkyrie along with her only friends.

She was careful to go inside their house, afraid to make a noise and let the people in the house hear her. It was 1 in the morning and she was suppose to be home 4 hours ago. She was also aware that her parents would freak out knowing that she's home at this time.

She was successful entering the living room, well that's what she thought.

"KATHRYN CHANDRIA! WHY ARE YOU HOME SO LATE?!" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was one of those times she would want to melt and get lost.

"I'm home safely isn't that the only thing that matters?" Kathryn coldly said

"A proper woman doesn't go home at 1 in the morning, Kathryn Chandria! What if something bad happened to you?! Huh?!" Her protective and overreacting father said

"How can I get in trouble when all of the bodyguards you hired for me sticks by my side 24/7?!" Kathryn said before turning her back away from her parents and heading to her room

"DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON US YOUNG LADY! THAT'S NOT HOW A PROPER LADY SHOULD ACT!" Was the last thing she heard from her parents before closing the door of her room

Kathryn Chandria Bernardo, a princess in the making. She was taught, and expected to be a proper lady since she's the only heiress of the Manuel-Bernardo clan, a well-known family and the top 1 of the elites in Asia. But being a Manuel-Bernardo was not something she wanted, everywhere she goes her bodyguard follows. Every mistake she'll make her parents would get disappointed. Every move she makes everyone would judge.

You can't blame her if she wouldn't want anyone around her. She only made 3 friends all her life the two Julias and Arisse. They are the only people she trust yet everyone in St. Dominic wants to be her friend, well she is their Campus Queen after all.

After doing Kathryn's night rituals she headed to her bed and opened her laptop, she went straight to her barkada's group chat.


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