Chapter One

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Scrolling through my phone, I checked the latest Instagram pictures on my timeline.

Nobody was uploading right now so I dumped my phone back onto my bed. "Sophia?!" My mom called from downstairs as I rolled my eyes, annoyed that she may be calling me down for food but the kitchen was so far away...

I only just moved to America about a year ago. I already knew english well but didn't know some certain things. My mom knew it perfectly, and unfortunately, my Dad stayed in the back home when we left. It broke my heart into a million pieces that he wasn't coming with us, and that he was miles and miles away from me. I was his little girl, but him and my mom didn't get along well. I used to live in the Netherlands, I was a dutch girl, with a heavy accent with not much detailed english in me. I'm sort of shy and I don't say much to people. Lets just say I'm a loner sometimes, but that's ok, I enjoy my own company.

As soon as I got up from my bed, my phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with the Instagram icon. I may be from the Netherlands, but they did have Instagram, vine snapchat and all the social media.

I was known as a Instagram site model. I didn't really understand what it was or what I had to do, but whenever I uploaded pictures, people liked them instantly. They always tagged me in site model accounts so I was like ok. Sometimes I felt stalked but I shrug it off.

Chris brown just followed you!

Was present on my scream and I furrowed my eyebrows. I only had 500 followers, not many, and I only talked dutch but my bio was in english.

Swiping the notification to the side and putting in my passcode for it to take me to Instagram without clicking, I checked this 'Chris Brown' guy.

I never heard of a Chris Brown, but clicking onto his account I-

"15 million followers?!" I said, surprised that he had so many. Confused was my facial expression right now. Why would someone with 15m follow me? And he has a blue tick next to his name is well. What the fuck does that blue tick mean?

I clicked on his photos and saw people commenting "Ugh Chris" with the heart eye emoji's and I just sat in my room in silence, scrolling through his page.

Who was this Chris Brown? I didn't know him. I only liked Drake and wasn't into hearing about the press and things. I only followed my 3 friends on Instagram who were back home, so how did he find me?

Since this Chris guy followed me, I guessed I should just follow him back. I clicked the follow button on his account and the suggestions of people to follow dropped down. I didn't even bother to look and clicked off Instagram to connect sound cloud to my bluetooth speakers.

Drake - Hotline Bling flowed out from them, the bass tingling my toes on the floor as I locked my I phone 6 which I just got for my birthday a month ago. I bopped my head to the beat and sang along. "I know when that hotline bling. That can only mean one thing."

Turning 18 this year felt so good. I hated being in between, but unfortunately, I wasn't legal yet, and boy did I want to be.

Going downstairs, my younger brother Theo was playing the xbox, giving me a death stare as he saw me coming down. "What dweeb?" I said, as he rolled his eyes and carried on playing. "Hey! Don't disrespect you're sister!" My mom said, and I winked at Theo and he scoffed, hitting the controller in anger. My mom must of been looking at his reaction.

Theo was fifteen. I had a older sister, Victoria, she was 25. She was a pain the ass to be honest. She pissed me the fuck off. No boyfriend, no baby, no nothing. Victoria complained about everything, and slept and ate all day. The bitch didn't even shower sometimes. She was nasty.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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