Jamie smiled and raised the lighter. "I appreciate this more than you know," he said.

The younger man chuckled and nodded, walking back into the gallery, the sound of the music wafting out before the door shut behind him.

Jamie ended up finishing the pack of cigarettes and made it back inside before time to leave. He found his fiance chatting with a tall, skinny bi-racial woman with short, black hair.

"All I'm saying is I'll pay you whatever he wants for it-- please, I must have that painting!"

"I'm sorry madam, I don't know if he'll be willing to sell. It's his favorite piece."

Prestley looked pleadingly over at Jamie and he sighed, putting on his negotiating face and wrapping his arm around her waist. "Listen, maybe you could talk to the artist? There's no way you can know for sure he wouldn't be willing to give it up for the right price," he reasoned.

The woman frowned, looking Jamie up and down before sighing exasperatedly. "Fine. I'll ask him. But as his manager and friend, I really don't think you should get your hopes up."

Jamie smiled, "all we ask is that you try. Here's our number, just call and let us know what he decides."

The woman took the offered card and turned on her heel, walking away from the couple.

"Ooooh, Jamie! My knight in shining armor!" Prestley squealed and pressed a firm kiss to the man's lips before pushing him away. "Okay enough. Come on, they'll lock us in here if we don't leave."

She pulled him through the room and Jamie caught a glimpse of the young British man speaking with the brunette and smiling over the rim of his wine glass before he was shoved out the door.


The next day, they got a call from the artist's manager telling them that he was willing to let go of the painting. Prestley was ecstatic, of course, and promptly sent Jamie on his way to pick it up from the artist's studio.

He got into his Mercedes and drove the ten miles to the building, walking up three flights of stairs to the studio. When he walked in, he saw a spacious, white room with a sitting area and another space that had paint and various painting supplies all over. There was a staircase in the middle of the room that led to a loft area and a hallway to the rest of the apartment.

"Can I help you? Oh. It's you."

Jamie turned and saw the woman from last night, dressed in a loose, button up shirt and a pair of jeans. "Yes, it's me. Jamie Klienfeld," he said and held out his hand for her to shake.

"Sophia Ransom, it's a pleasure," she said.

"I'm here to pick up the painting. The um-- Skylar-- Olyphant piece?" He said, looking around the apartment.

"Yeah, of course. Let me get him to bring it down." She walked over to the bottom of the staircase and shouted up. "Oi! Sky! The bloke's here to pick up the painting, get your arse down here now!"

"Alright, alright. Don't be in such a rush."

Jamie's breath caught in his throat as he heard the voice floating down the stairway. It couldn't be...

"I have the painting right here, I just need to know what frame you'd like?"

When the man came into view, Jamie swallowed thickly. Sure enough, it was the man who he'd shared a smoke with the evening before. He stood there speechless, mouth agape, until Sophia cleared her throat.

"Um. I-- I think the black one from last night will work just fine, thanks," he muttered, shifting uncomfortably.

Sophia shrugged and walked away to grab the frame, leaving Jamie and Skylar standing there by themselves.

"Look. I'm really sorry for--"

Skylar held his hand up, shaking his head. "Don't start. It's fine, really. I've heard worse critiques from much more important people. No offense."

Jamie grinned and chuckled. "None taken," he said. "But uh, I'd really like to make it up to you-- you know, show you I'm not as much of a cultureless douche as I sometimes come off." He looked down at the ground and then back up at Skylar. "How about lunch? Are you free tomorrow?"

Skylar smiled and tilted his head. "Yeah, I am. Lunch sounds lovely. Have you ever eaten vegan before?"

"Um, no. But if that's what you want, we'll go there."

"Perfect. I'll meet you at the Veg Cafe at one tomorrow, then," Skylar said, his smile widening.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Jamie replied.

"Alright, I've got the frame," Sophia said, walking over and grabbing the painting from the still smiling Skylar and putting it together. "Here you go," she said and handed the painting to Jamie.

Jamie took it and nodded, handing her a wad of bills. "I appreciate it, and I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Olyphant."

Sophia raised her eyebrow and Skylar nodded. "Please, call me Skylar."

"See you tomorrow. Skylar," Jamie repeated and grinned, winking at the other man before walking away.

"See you tomorrow?" Sophia queried, following Skylar when he started to walk to the other side of the room. "What was that about?"

Skylar smiled and picked up his paintbrushes, gathering them into a pile. "Nothing, he just offered to take me to lunch to apologize for his crude comments last night and I accepted."

Sophia's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "Sky-- you can't be serious." When he just continued gathering his supplies, she put her hand over his. "Even a blind man could see you've got the hots for him, which in itself is a bad idea. But take the fact that you've now gotten yourself rather involved with an engaged bloke? Engaged to the supermodel Prestley Summers? This has got to be your worst idea ever."

"Oh come off it, Sophie. It's just lunch, nothing more. Don't get your panties in a wad," he muttered and jerked his hand back. "Oh wait, that's right. You don't usually wear any," He smiled and turned away to start walking up the stairs.

"That would be funny if this wasn't so serious!" She called after him, hands on her hips. "I swear that man is going to be the death of me." Sophie sighed, shaking her head.  

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