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"Should I get ready now?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10."

"Alright. Bye, Jay."

"Bye, baby girl."

This time around I slipped into a burgundy turtleneck and some plain, blue Levi's. It feels a bit nippy out since its the beginning of Fall.

Yesterday Jay had told me we'd be hanging out with his boys today. I wasn't sure why I had to tag along, considering the fact I'd probably be the only female there.

I don't even know where we're going. And I don't know why.

But I'm spending time with Jay so it should be fun, right?

Hearing his horn outside, I grabbed my purse and keys, locked the door and continued downstairs.

He was leaning against his car, watching me step outside. His eyes quickly scanned my body which was followed by the slightest grin.

I pressed my chest against his, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hi, Jay."

I pulled away so we were now able to look each other in the eye. "What's up, baby?" His low-pitched voice tickled my ears.

His arms were still fastened around my waist until I felt them loosen, giving my backside a firm grab. Uncontrollably, I blushed, but he didn't notice.

After our little greeting session, we hopped in the car and drove off to wherever we were going. To this moment, I still didn't know.

I pressed my head against the window, watching us speed past cars on the highway. Wherever we were going must be far, I guess.

I found myself fighting to keep my eyelids open, but soon lost of course.

I felt the car jerk to a stop, nudging my head from the window. I sat up and squinted at the 5 story condo that was on the other side of the windshield.


I looked to my left only to see an empty seat. He left me?

At least that's what I had thought until I seen my door swing open by him.

I put my hand in his as he lifted me out, "C'mon, Z. You're finally gonna meet my boys." He told me as we approached the condo.

His friend or friends must have money. This condo looks far from cheap.

Instead of ringing the doorbell, Jay found it to be a good idea to just barge in. But I guess if it's your "boy", it really doesn't it matter.

"O'Shea! My man!" He quickly dropped my hand, running up to Mr. O'Shea.

O'Shea is a really unique name might I add.

Jay glanced at me then back at him, "Oh, this is Zoe. Zoe, this is my boy O'Shea."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I extended my arm.

He gave me a firm handshake and smiled, "Wassup?"

"Where's Corey and them?" Jay asked, in a hurry to meet with them.

"They in the back." He blatantly responded.

Jay had ran off, leaving me to stand here looking like a fool. I can't believe him.

I awkwardly looked down at my shoes, feeling O'Shea's eyes burn two fine holes in me.

"What are you to him?" He finally said, chin pointed in my direction.

"I beg your pardon..."

"Are you a hoe? His girl? His long lost sister? You know.. Who are ya?" He spoke, intensely mugging me.

Gosh, the disrespect...

"Uh, no? We're talking... Nothing serious yet..." I managed to speak over the lump in my throat.

He looked me up and down and nodded, "Oh, okay. You better not be one of them fast ones" He came toe-to-toe with me, "'Cause I'd hate to see my boy get his heart broken by a gold-diggin trick. I'd just might have to break you."

Compton at Night: Jason Mitchell (Urban)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon