Part III

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"Hey, did you hear?" Strange rumours started going around the school.
"Blaine and Quinn are dating! Oh my gosh!" Girls and boys alike swarmed around the duo. Asking questions that relate to the rumours going around.
"No, no, no! Me and Blaine are dating! I mean like, he's creepy isn't he?" Quinn said. Blaine overheard and was unhappy to have heard, he knew he shouldn't have trusted Quinn.

After school, Quinn rushed up to Blaine  and started talking to him. Blaine brushed Quinn and shouted "Im just creepy aren't I?! Just leave me alone.."
"You seriously believed that? It was just to protect my ego okay?" Quinn said with a snort. "Really?... I don't believe you.." Blaine said. Quinn sighed. She explained. Quinn then suggested an idea that involved showing his face. "Showing my face?! A-a-absolutely not! What will happen when they see me? They're gonna think im a freak!" Blaine refused. "Come on! You're good looking! Maybe even the most handsome in the school! Just take of your hoodie and we'll be all good!"

"N-n-no... I don't wanna.." Blaine refused constantly after every suggestion. Quinn teased Blaine and started having fun with him. "Eheheh! Look im taking your hood off!" Quinn teased. They were laughing throughout the whole afternoon and didn't have a care in the world.

"Hey daddy? When do we get there?" "Soon, Bianca.. soon.." "Good! because I cant wait to see Blaine!"
Who is this mysterious person that knows Blaine? Could she be a childhood friend? And what is this spark happening between Blaine and Quinn? Find out in the next chapter!
Thanks to Kiran for the shoutout and peace!

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