She flips a piece of paper over on her clipboard and starts writing on it. My Mum walks back into the room and begins whispering to the nurse. I couldn't quite understand what they were talking about, did I even want to know.

The nurse walks out of the room and my Mum heads to my bedside. "You'll be able to leave in a few hours. They just want to do a few more tests and make sure you're stable and then we can leave"


I carried my bags inside, dragging myself up the stairs to my bedroom. I pushed the door open, throwing the bags I had onto the floor. I collapsed onto my bed staring at the roof, realising how messed up everything is. I heard Mum call my name, asking me to come sit at the table with her. I sighed, knowing that I'd have to face my punishment.

I unwillingly got off my bed and made my way downstairs, dreading what I was going to sit through. I sat on the mahogany chair across from my mother.

"Rose, what's happened to you" my mothers eyes were filled with anger yet sadness. I shrugged, not caring at whatever she had to say.

"Answer me will you" her voice on the verge of cracking.


"Don't tell me nothing Rose. There's something going on why won't you talk to me about it" I looked down and began biting my nails. What did she expect me to say, what was I supposed to answer with, I barely understood the question. Was she asking what's happened with me due to my attitude of not wanting to be around her, did she find out we snuck into an over aged place, I wasn't too sure.

"Rose tell me why there are scars all along your wrist, dammit tell me" Her voice finally cracked, i looked up as tears ran down my mothers cheek. My whole body suddenly went cold. Then I remembered, that in the hospital they would have seen my arms, I didn't even think about it until now. I didn't know what to say, I never spoke to anyone about it, I mean it's not something you really tell everyone.

"When did you start and why Rose please tell me" my mother pleaded.

"Why do you even care, it's not as if you ever cared before" I didn't care right now, I felt numb as if nothing mattered, I could be grounded for life and yet I wouldn't care. My Mum went on about useless shit, I just zoned out for more than half of it. I didn't want to hear whatever she said, I just wanted to go back to my room and never leave it.

"So you'll be going to therapy, to cope with the loss of Jake and learn to deal with your emotions rather than harming yourself" I snapped back into reality. I don't want to go to therapy, I don't want to talk to people who are paid to listen to my problems. They don't care it's just for money, how is that supposed to make me feel better.

"I'm not going." I crossed my arms and stood up to leave the table.

"Yes you are because you're going to be spending time in Ohio with your relatives, away from here, away from those who got you into whatever you seem to be into these days. I've already booked your flight, two days from now."

Was my mother serious right now. Ohio? I've never been outside of my state in Australia, let alone left this country and all of a sudden my Mum's sending me away how was this going to help. I stood up, furious that my own mother was sending me away. I couldn't even look at her.


The two days went by quicker than anything. I was nervous about having to fly to the other side of the world and spend time with people I've never met. If I had nails to bite right now I'd be biting them. I felt like I wanted to cry, I felt so alone and scared. My best friend was gone and I still found it hard to believe, my mothers sending me away because she can't deal with me and I'm going to be living with strangers. How was this considered therapy.

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