"Come on then," Orion commented and she sighed before she headed over to where he was. He crinkled his nose back, and she knew that he couldn't stand the smell of cigarettes. She threw the cigarette down and let the sole of her shoe rub it into the ground and let it out.

Irene paused in the front doorway when she walked up to it, finding that her mom was consoling Erin, while her daughter, Eliza, was hugging her side and telling her how big of a meanie that Irene had been. Honestly, Irene would rather be called a meanie by a child than be called a bitch by some of her classmates. It was kind of refreshing to be called a grade school name than a normal cuss word that her classmates used.

"Ah, um," Orion's voice broke the consoling and both Selene and Erin turned their heads in the direction of him and Irene standing in the doorway. "Irene has something that she wants to tell you." He turned his head in the direction of Irene and nodded his head, and Irene couldn't help but roll her eyes at him and feel as though she was a child who was about to do show and tell for her classmates.

"Erin, I wanted to apologize for how rude I was earlier. I shouldn't have insulted your family recipe. It was out of line for me to do so. I hope that you can take my apology and allow me to still be friends with Orion," Irene commented—the whole entire time she had a monotone voice and although it was obvious that she didn't mean the apology it was still something and it was the most that Erin would get out of one from the black haired girl.

"Thank you," Erin finally spoke and she got up from her spot in the dining chair that she was still occupying. She smoothed down the winkles in her clothes before she headed in the direction of where Irene was. Automatically Irene took a step backwards as though she was a porcupine that was feeling threatened.

Erin paused where she was, with her hands half way out to hug the girl but from the shake from her son across the room that let her know that it wasn't what she should do—since Irene hated people touching her, Erin let her hands fall onto her sides again and cleared her throat.

"It's not my choice whether or not when it comes to Orion terminating his friendship with you or not. I must admit that I don't know what he sees in you but since you do have the capability to actually apologize, and it was obviously from my son it shows that he has the ability to have you bring out the good in you and for that I'll let him continue his friendship with you. He might actually make you nicer," Erin commented and Irene felt the urge to twitch her eyes at the fact that Erin had just insulted her without completely insulting her in a way.

Irene clicked her tongue and held it in the side of her mouth before she allowed herself to take a deep breath and loosen up a little bit when it came to the rest of the evening, and when everyone was heading out of the front door Irene paused in the entrance of the house as she saw that Orion was the last one leaving—behind his mom and Eliza.

"Why don't you walk Orion out, Irene?" Selene probed her daughter, as she pushed some of her fallen pieces of hair behind her ear, before giving Irene a reassuring smile. It seemed as though she had seemed a little more pleased when it came to Irene apologizing to Irene but Irene knew that the damage was done between her and her mom. They were distant with each other, being in the same room together caused conflicts every time.

"Sure," Irene smoothly replied, knowing that as soon as all of the Sages left the house she could go upstairs and not have to be in the presence of her mom again—even though that sounded harsh it was the uppermost truth when it came down to it.

Irene followed Orion out of the front door and shut the door closed behind her until it was just a sliver. She turned towards Orion and gave him a small smile, one that she oddly felt okay with giving, as she gazed up at him. He shifted his feet nervously and she could tell that he was going to ask her something but she beat it to him.

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