The Soldier and the Queen- Part 4

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The following night, Shahrazad said:

I heard, my King, that the two successfully escaped. They rode for days, creating as much distance as possible from the Queen's realm. On the outskirts of a forest, in a small, broken country filled with barbarians, the two made their home. It was a log cabin, nothing terribly extravagant, but it would get there. The barbarians came to check them out from time to time, not causing any problems.

Once things started to settle down, the Soldier quickly became the leader of a band of these barbarians. He trained them in swordplay, while he Guardian trained them to live off the land and in horsemanship. They fought on occasion, but only to protect the Soldier's expanding village, which would eventually turn into an empire. Before all of this happened though, the pair got married and ruled together. And thus, the Soldier's story ends.



Just wanted to say that I hope you enjoyed my story! I wrote this for a class of mine, and wanted to share it. It was fun to write. If you're wondering what the whole thing with Shahrazad is, well, I guess you'll have to read the actually Arabian Nights for it to make sense. Thanks again! 

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