"Well, you know just because you have a relationship with someone doesn't mean everyone will automatically know what you think. Look at Ash. He has friends everywhere and he's pretty hard to figure out." Reggie explained.

"How do you figure?" Paul inquired.

"You wouldn't be interested if he was easy to understand." Paul sighed. He hated to admit it, but his older brother was right. Gosh, it was annoying how right he's been lately. "Well, we're here." Paul looked up and saw his aunt's house. "Let's get this done." Reggie said.

"Oh the joy." Paul said sarcastically with a frown. Reggie rolled his eyes, grabbed Paul's arm, and dragged him towards the house.

Back at the Harper's house, Laura and Steve, along with Ash's help, had just finished cleaning the kitchen. "Thanks again for helping us, Ash." Laura said. Steve nodded in agreement.

Ash smiled at them. "No problem. Anytime." He told them.

"You sure are helpful a lot." Steve stated.

Ash put his hand behind his head and sheepishly said, "Oh it's fine. I love helping people and doing all I can for someone else."

"And very great quality to have in your personality." Steve said. "I just bet you're doing and helping Paul out a whole bunch. Maybe even with some very big things. I bet you're even helping him out right now."

Panic filled Ash. 'They couldn't have figured out could have they?' He thought frantically. 'I have to make sure they don't have any doubts.' "Well, I don't know how much I'm helping him right now, but I know I'll be here for him whenever he needs my help."

"You are a very good friend...er, boyfriend." Steve said. He wanted to see if he could any signs of deceit out of Ash and right now was the best time without Paul around.

"Oh well, I try." Ash said sheepishly. "I care a whole lot about him." He told them. At least he didn't have to lie about that.

The front door then opened. "Hey Ashy-boy." Ash, Steve, and Laura looked at the researcher as he walked in. The brunette nodded to the parents out of respect then turned his attention to his friend. "Did you want to train some? You said yesterday that you could some help with a couple of attacks."

"Oh, right!" Ash exclaimed standing up. 'Perfect timing too.' He thought. "Yea, I want your help teaching Infernape and Pikachu a few attacks." He turned to Steve and Laura. "I'm sorry, may I be excused?" He asked politely.

Laura nodded. "Of course." She told him.

Ash and Gary were turning to head to the door when Steve stopped them. "Just a quick question." He said. The two Pallet trainers turned to look at him. "Why can't you train with Paul? After all, you two are dating, right?"

Ash sweatdropped. "Well yea, but like I said before, we may be boyfriends, but we're also rivals. We both want to win the Sinnoh League so we don't train together." He explained to the suspicious father.

"Well, is that fair?" He asked. Ash and Gary looked at one another.

"What do you mean?" Ash questioned.

"Well, with Gary helping you. It kind of doesn't seem fair that you have a bunch of friends to help. I'm just saying." Steve said.

"Oh, well, it's not like I wouldn't help Paul if he wanted me to." Gary said stepping in to save his friend. "I'd be glad to help him if he wanted it. And Ash here doesn't usually train with anyone else, he just wanted some advice on how to teach some new attacks to his Pokemon. Most people who teach their Pokemon attacks they don't learn automatically, get some sort of advice or help. Not all, but most."

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