"Yeah I actually seen it like two times already man it was dope. But what I want to touch on is. there's this continuous rumor floating around and while I don't know if I should believe it or not I'm going to ask you anyway," Charlamagne said in a serious tone.

Reyan looked at him confidently, however her palms were sweating profusely underneath the table as she laid them in her lap.

"So, is it true that you know and are close to the members of N.W.A?" He spat out.

Reyan smiled and nodded, "yes, that is true I am real close to all of the guys in N.W.A," she stated proudly.

"Ok, well that's not the rumor I was referring to though," Charlamagne said, shutting her down.

"Well, what is it?" She asked nervously, although she kept a smile on her face.

"Which one of the N.W.A members you dated? No! Matter of fact is that even true? Because if it isn't I need you to set the record straight for the people right here and right now!"

Reyan giggled and played in her hair, "o-ok y-yeah I did date one of the members a long time ago," she made sure to put emphasis on that last part.

"Who was it? Please don't say Dr. Dre!" Charlamagne stressed.

"No it wasn't Dre," Reyan laughed.

"Who was it then?" Angie cut in.

"It was Eazy," Reyan finally admitted, immediately letting out a secret she promised she would never reveal to the world, at least not at a time like this.

"Eazy-E ?!" They all shouted in unison.

Charlamagne fell back in his seat dramatically, which made Reyan shake her head, "Yes! What's wrong with that?"

"You ain't talking about no regular dude! You talking about Eazy-E! This cat had more females than a pimp and you dated him?"

"Yes a-and we had a kid together, a girl," she threw in.

"Really? What's her name?" Dj Envy questioned.

"Her name is Emanie Whitney."

"Emanie Whitney? You know what? I'm going to get on you about her name later," Dj Envy joked.

Reyan's jaw dropped, "What? I like the name and so did he!"

"You had a baby with him too? I've always imagined that this man has at least ten or eleven children running around here somewhere," Charlamagne said, shaking his head.

"Eazy was a true ladies man," Angie agreed.

"Actually, he does have eleven children, my daughter was born a little while after her sister E.B.," Reyan revealed, referring to one of Eric's daughters.

"How old were you when you were dating him?"

"I met Eazy around 1990, I'd just turned twenty-one around that time."

"How old are you now?" Charlamagne asked, earning a frown from Reyan.

"I'm forty-six," she hesitated, while slightly biting down on her bottom lip.

"Girl you look good to be forty-six!" Angie complimented her, making her blush even harder.

"Thank you," Reyan gushed, looking down at the floor.

"No for real I need to see some I.D. or your birth certificate or something, because ain't no way you're forty-six! You look too good for your age," Charlamagne said, taking it upon himself to check her out once more.

What he said couldn't have been more true however, Reyan had what a lot of women half her age wished they had. She was mixed with Puerto Rican and Black. Her light caramel complexioned skin gave that away almost immediately.

She had soft angelic features from her smooth unblemished skin, to her big dark oval shaped eyes, and slightly plumped lips, she was definitely easy on the eyes.

No one would ever guess she was in her late 40s by the way she carried herself. It was as if the body she'd possessed back in her younger years never left, even after her daughter was born.

She stood at a striking 5'4, slender toned legs, wide hips, a nice round ass that women wish they could have, and a flat toned stomach she worked her ass off to keep.

Back in her younger days, some would even mistake her for the late Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla. Maybe it was the way she wore her hair similar to hers or maybe it was her facial features, she wasn't sure. However, she would get it an awful lot.

"Thank you, but yes it's true I am nearly pushing fifty," she laughed.

"So how come no one knew, that you had Eazy's child? Was it like a secret you were keeping?" Dj Envy asked.

Reyan crossed her legs, "I wouldn't say it was a secret, because Eazy helped me take care of her up until the day he died. He was there for the both of us and I mean those who knew him were most definitely aware. Not to mention the fact that Eazy had some very strong genes, you could take one look at my child and see that she was for him." She explained.

"But, because I was trying to get my career going I didn't feel the need to let anyone know about my affiliation with Eazy-E, so I guess you can say, yes I did keep it to myself. However, if anyone would start to notice something and ask me, I'd tell them."

"If you was trying to get your career started why would you keep that a secret? That would've been one hell of a career boost, if you would've told someone you had Eazy's child," Charlamagne said, obviously confused.

"That's exactly why I didn't want to come out and say it. I am the mother of Eazy's child nothing more, so I shouldn't have to use his name to boost my career it's real shady and that's not what I want to be known for."

"Well, I want to know what happened between y'all! I'm sure you know he married Tomica Woods before he died and I was so sure she was the last woman he was with at the time of his death," Charlamagne pointed out.

Reyan nodded, "of course, I mean, our relationship had ended long before he'd gotten sick and married Tomica," Reyan said, pointing out the fact that Tomica indeed married Eazy while on his death bed.

"But you were still in contact with him around that time?"

"Right," Reyan responded quickly.

"So what happened between y'all h-how come he married Tomica and not you?"

Dj Envy laughed at Charlamagne's question, "what kind of question is that man? That's like asking her why he didn't marry all of his other baby mamas!"

"No I want to know, because if you ask me I don't see why he even married her, I mean Reyan would've made a much better wife than Tomica ever could. Y'all remember when she ran his record company to the ground after his death?" Charlamagne asked, sticking his hand out to Reyan.

"I'd rather not touch on that," she said, shutting down his question.

"Well, I still want to know what happened and I'm sure the people that's listening right now would like to know what made y'all end y'all's relationship."

Reyan made a face, "I wasn't planning on telling the entire story."

"Well too bad, because that's exactly what you go'n do," Charlamagne demanded, causing Dj Envy to laugh.

However, Reyan caught herself getting slightly annoyed as all of the memories she'd spent with Eazy right before his untimely demise came to mind.


A/N: Ok so this is my very first Eazy-E story ever written and please do forgive me if I missed out on certain parts I am still doing research right now as we speak, but I hope you enjoy the story. All comments and votes are appreciated. Enjoy!

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