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Copyright © 2015 by cxlxstxnx stories

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A moment of happiness.

A moment of happiness that sends an effect we could have never imagined. Sending some particles to crash together, creating a whole new connection.

What we crave more in this world is connection.

Connection to that special someone, a connection to make a whole new different idea to create something spectacular.

But for the rest of us, connection is our least priority.

Joy, a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Something that everyone dreams and wish for, something easy to say yet difficult to find.

Some people find happiness in small things, some don't. But opening to this idea of feeling can make someone think twice if she'll ever find her happiness.

In a world full chaos and unexpected ripples, they found each other. It's just up to them to see each other, to look in each others eyes and find their joy in between.

"Always and Forever" she said, "Lifetime, my Felicity" he replied

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