Chapter 13 - My First Baby

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"Manik when did I say that"

"Listen I am not going anywhere..if I have decided for an off then it is an off and I want you by my side", he pulled me closer into his arms and said adamantly.

"Ninni is this mountain troubling you??", I had not realized when Adit had suddenly appeared by my side with a chocolaty milk mustache, glaring at Manik.

As we registered his presence we immediately left each other. I gestured pleas to Manik to calm down.

"Champ your Ninni enjoys getting troubled by me."Manik replied on my behalf.

"I want every bit of it as pay back", Manik gave me sarcastic look and walked to the living area and we followed him. I laid the breakfast on the table and made Adit sit on my lap and helped him finish his cornflakes while Manik sat chewing his sandwich disinterestedly. I knew he wanted my attention. It was funny but Manik was not ready to share me with even a 4 year old. I smiled as I saw Manik struggling to have my attention in Adit's presence.

"Adit you like the cornflakes...Do you want more??", I asked him as I wiped his mouth.

"Ask this baby also something..I don't want sandwich..I want parantha.. aloo ka(fried chapattis with mashed potato stuffing )." Manik complained unable to garner my attention.

"Manik stop complaining and eat", I knew he was doing it purposely so that I would look at him at least.

After we were done with the breakfast session I went to the kitchen to attend to the chores and left Manik and Adit bond with TV. But how was it possible that the two of them would let me work in peace. In the next ten minutes they were at each other like literally for the remote.

"Ninni this mountain is not letting me watch cartoon", the poor child had started sobbing

"Is this my age to watch cartoons??", Manik argued

"Manik you are impossible..why are you troubling him??", I took the remote from his hand and switched on the cartoon show.

Manik was having a tough time dealing with it and pulled me back to the kitchen.

"When is this brat leaving??? you are scolding me for him??You don't love me..", he nagged cutely.

I laughed at his words, "Manik don't tell me you art jealous of Adit.." I laughed more, "But I am liking it, Adit is here to settle scores for how much you troubled me yesterday"

"Dont worry this trouble will trouble you a lot... even today", Manik pulled me by my waist, he missed my lips by an inch as I turned my face in a fraction of a second. He was becoming predictable. And we were again disturbed from being cozy.

"Ninni!!! Potty!!!", Adit looked at me with a constipated look which made me look at Manik nervously and who in turn looked horrified. Adit turned to his mountain and said,"Ninni is a take me."

I couldn't control my laughter as I saw Manik's face. It was more dreadful than my ! week rigorous punishment. I gestured Manik to help him.

"Are you mad?? I cant do these things?? You go ..he is your Adit..Baby..go go now"

"Come fast or I will sit here only", he managed to threaten both of us. I literally pushed and begged both of them towards the bathroom. I heard both of them squeal together, Manik yucking and Adit rambling and finally the flush.When they came out after 10 minutes, Adit was relieved and Manik was exhausted as if he had to sweat it out under sun.

"Manik you stink!!" , I clapped my nostrils to irritate him further.

Manik gave me a nasty look. I knew I was going to be punished hard for this but I didn't care some how. Our little holiday in was turning out kind of fun. Adit was a little considerate towards Manik after he had helped him in potty time.

"Ninni did something bit you??", he pointed out Manik's love bites on my neck.

I pursed my lips to hide my embarrassment as Manik chuckled looking at me.

"Actually a very naughty insect has bitten me.."I said looking at Manik who gave me a wait for more baby look to me.

"Show me the insect..I will hit it so hard so hard that it would never come near you", the toddler managed to scare my monster as I saw him getting restless at his remarks. There was hardly any difference between the 4 year old and the 26 year old.

We three were having a good time in our own way together when Manik got a call from Cabir. They had an important meeting lined up. For the first time I saw Manik reluctant to leave for work. I felt happy though but I also didn't want his work to suffer. I cajoled him to leave and he promised to wrap it up in an hour and be back to me.

"Listen!! get rid of this brat by the time I come back...I shall see you..actually everything else that I missed out on last night", he said in a flirtatious tone.

I slapped his chest for being so brazen with the kid in front of him. He laughed at my reaction. I stood on my toes to whisper.

"Manik please get the pills for me na.."

"Pills.. what.. Pills..Are you not well Nandu??", he cringed his brows and said out loud knowing very well what I meant. He just couldn't do without teasing me. I begged him to behave; he giggled and pecked me on the cheek before he left.


Mansi came back in sometime and thanked me for taking good care of the cutie pie. As I said good bye to them I found Neerja Aunty at her door.

"Nandini!! You are home today.."

"Yeah we have taken a day off, Manik has gone for a meeting though but he will be back soon"

"That's good!! why don't you come to my place for lunch?"

"But Manik.."

"Ohh!! he won't come right "

"No no nothing like that we will come for sure,,Aunty I want kadhi chawal okay"

"Whatever you want dear ..I will be waiting then.."


When I found the door buzzing endlessly, I had already guessed my monster was back. The moment I opened the door, he threw his sling bag side ways and picked me up in his arms.

"Manik..Manik..put me down" , I protested

"The brat is gone right..So are we ready to hit the bed."

"Manik what is are just so.."

He laughed as he saw me getting irritated.

"Okay listen I saw him ..whats his name..Navya's boyfriend"

"Abhimanyu", I helped him to get the name right.

"Yeah they both had come to see me..woh Navya was worried after she saw me yesterday..but she got mad..I broke her heels na", I said making a sorry face.

"So now half the world knows how much I trouble you.." he faked annoyance, "Now that I already have that reputation ..let me live up to it completely", he had his evil smirk back on his face as he took me to our room and laid me on the bed.

"Manik please listen we have a lunch invitation from Neerja Aunty..I promised her we will come."

"Nandini didn't I tell you not to mingle with the neighbors much.. first Adit now your Neerja Aunty. One day I need to spend with you and you have every one else to attend", he was actually angry.

"But Manik what is the harm in that..we also might need there help sometime."I tried to calm him but he was annoyed."Okay fine sorry we wont go..why are you getting so worked up..she just invited and I couldn't refuse..If you want me to be with you I shall be with you."

I held my ears apologizing but when he didn't give in. I pulled him by his collar and he fell on me. One look in to my eyes and he melted. His eyes were back with the same love, want and mischief.

"You don't need to worry I have got all the possible pills that you might need Ms.Murthy.."

And he plunged on my lips again making me forget the rest of the world.

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