part 36

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Hermione was kept in the hospital for a few days. She was due to return straight to Hogwarts. Narcissa had argued that she should stay and rest at the Manor. Hermione being Hermione said she did not want to as she had to get back to her education. Draco had been with her everyday but she was never alone with him. She had begged Ginny to make sure someone was there with her. She wasn't ready for a confrontation. Not yet. She would have to face him sooner or later and she would prefer to face him at Hogwarts, not here.

She had kept his gift close to her at all times. She knew she loved him. He knew she loved him, so why was it so hard to forgive him? Was it her parents relationship coming back to haunt her? Or was it recent events?

She sighed; she didn't want to think about this now. She was currently packing her bags; she wanted to return to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express with the others. She touched her stomach gently and smiled to herself. She had accepted that she would be a mother, she wasn't overly prepared for it but she would be. She had a plan. When she returned to Hogwarts, she would read all the books on pregnancy that were in the library. She was actually looking forward to it.

The door opened slowly, Draco walked in. He smiled at her.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Just about," she replied, packing a few more things. "You packed my school things? I don't think we'll have time to pop back to the Manor."

"Yes I've packed it all. It's waiting for you at King's Cross," Draco smiled taking her bag.

"Ok," she replied. Her head still hurt a bit but the pain would go away in a day or two.

"I'll apparate us," Draco said.

"I can apparate myself."

"No. The healer said nothing too intense for a few days."


"No arguing," he said sternly taking her hand.

She felt the goosebumps erupt on her arm. He apparated her to the train station and they entered platform nine and three quarters. The Weasleys, the Browns, the Zabinis, Luna's father and Narcissa were waiting there.

Narcissa walked up to Hermione and hugged her.

"Now you take care," Narcissa told her. "If you feel too tired or anything, owl me. If you want to come home for a bit then please let me know. Understand?"

Hermione nodded, "Thank you. Um, I never got to ask you, are you ok?"

Narcissa smiled, "Shock's worn off. I am better now."

Hermione smiled, "If you ever need to talk, then youcan owl me."

Narcissa laughed, "Oh of course."

Narcissa then turned to Draco to talk to him while Hermione was bombarded with hugs from everyone present. She was grateful when she got onto the train. She sat with the others and listened as Ron and Lavender talked about their honeymoon. She had to reassure them that it was ok for them to talk about it. She smiled and nodded at the right points. She added in her point of view. She laughed, she grinned. Yet she never talked about how she was feeling, how she felt slightly nervous, slightly scared. She could feel Draco's eyes on her, analysing her. She knew that he knew how she felt. She looked at him across from her. Chocolate brown eyes met with grey ones. They locked onto each other for ages. No one noticed, no one except Ginny, who couldn't help but smile.

She also noticed Hermione turn away and stare out of the window. She wanted to help her best friend, she really did, but she didn't know how to. Nothing she did could ease the pain. All she could think of now was planning some time to spend alone with Hermione. Maybe that would be a good idea.

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