part 38

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"Ginny shut up!" Hermione sighed.

It had been two weeks since the life classes began again. Draco had tried everything to get close to Hermione but she kept pushing him away. He was sick of it but he didn't give up. She was his wife. He loved her.

Currently Hermione was with Ginny in Ginny's room.

"I will not shut up!" Ginny argued. "Draco has tried everything! He has sent you roses, love notes, took you out on dates, even freed his own house elves yet you won't even give him the time of day!"

Hermione looked at her mate, "I just can't ok."

"Why not?"

"Because...what if he does cheat on me one day, then what?"

"Life too short for what ifs," Ginny sat beside Hermione.

"I hurts," Hermione admitted. "I don't want to be like my mother."

Ginny smiled softly, "Draco loves you. You can't live in fear of something that might never happen. The chances are it probably won't happen."

Hermione looked at her, "I'll think about giving him a proper chance. Ok?"

Ginny smiled, "Good thing you have Charms with him today. I have Harry there as my spy."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Fine, ok."

Hermione left the room with a sigh. After lunch she would have to deal with Draco in charms, once and for all.

She entered the Great Hall after her free period and sat at the Gryffindor table as usual, Draco sat beside her, as usual. It was a normal lunchtime, that is until Dumbledore took to the stand after lunch was finished.

"I need all students to listen," Dumbledore smiled. "Professor Snape and I, along with a few friends of mine, have been working on stopping the marriage law and the anti contraception law."

All sixth and seventh years looked up.

"I have found a way to overrule this law. I am proud to say as of tomorrow morning the law will be overturned. This means all students are allowed to get a divorce. For those of you who are pregnant, you will have to keep the child but you can get a divorce. There is a new law, which will take the place of the Marriage Law. It will be called the Marriage Amendment Law. This law states that every member of the wizarding population must have a child by the time they are 28, they can marry who ever they want. I believe this law is better for you all. For those of you who wish to remain married, that is your choice. There is no rush in your decision."

Every older student looked shocked. No one knew whether they should cheer, cry or run around with joy.

Draco's heart sped up. He didn't want to end his marriage to Hermione but she on the other hand might want to. He was scared.

Hermione was confused. Should she end it, or not? Could she be a single mother? Could she lose Draco?

She was silent all the way to Charms. Draco too was quiet. Blaise was in his own thoughts, he didn't know what to do either. The only person out of the four, who were walking to charms, who was happy was Harry. He was not ending his marriage to Ginny. It wasn't even something to consider for him. So while most of the other students were confused, he was happy.

"Stop smirking Potter," Blaise glared as they sat around their usual table.

"Can't help it," Harry smiled.

"Why are you confused?" Draco looked at Blaise. "Don't you love Looney?"

Blaise glared at him, "It's not a question of whether I love her!"

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